Gifts from Greatest Giver!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Ruth 3:11 – And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask.

We cannot go to prominent and prestigious people of this world without fear and apprehension. We dare not to ask them what we want and will have to satisfy ourselves with what they give us according to their will and pleasure. Often there are far too many people around them and we cannot ask any thing privately and we will not be heard properly by them. They promise great things which rarely get fulfilled. But that is not how it works with the Lord of the universe. He deals with each of His people individually. He has time to speak to us and He dispels all fears, apprehensions and anxieties from our hearts as we go to Him. He knows what we want and has enough to meet all our needs abundantly. Yet He wants us to ask Him so that He can give us far beyond what we ask to our amazement. But we must go to Him in sanctification and separation from the world around us through His Word and His Spirit. We must wear His dress of righteousness so that we will be acceptable to Him. We are to demonstrate the aroma of His Spirit when we go to His presence. When we go to ask Him, He welcomes us to His presence and draws us closer to Him. He wants us to acknowledge His awesomeness and great majesty. He is the owner of all that is there in this universe and beyond. His holy presence and His awesome glory invite us to ask according to His status and dignity which are His measure with which He gives us. Ruth got what she wanted for the six days before her till the day of rest when she would find solace at His green pastures and quiet waters. Today He invites us to go to Him with our broken and contrite spirit about our nothingness and alienation. He wants us to tell Him all our needs and desires which He will fulfill according to His riches in glory.

Dear reader, are you a depraved person with special burdens, frustrations, tears and loneliness in life? Are you trying to survive by gleaning in some harvest fields?  But your Great Boaz of Bethlehem is alive and is great in the House of Bread. He is rich in every respect and owns the cattle of a thousand hills. He came to the manger in Bethlehem to take away your heartaches, pain, misery, deprivation and loneliness. He has a great and willing heart to release you from the intimidating circumstances you are in today. He will not despise you nor will He send you away empty handed. Remember, He filled Ruth’s hands with enough till the day of rest. He will give you enough to keep going and at rest in His presence. He would not suffer you to become a destitute or an orphan. Today your Lord Jesus comes to you to challenge you to ask Him what He is pleased to give you. There is no need for you to be afraid about your future or your unworthiness to ask because your Lord is there to give you what you need. He knows all your desires for Him before you ask. But He wants to hear your feeble voice full of awe and love for Him to tell Him what your needs are. You will be surprised about the way He gives because His giving will overflow all your expectations. So why should you live any longer as a simple gleaning person, going to the world and its lords for your necessities? Go to the Lord Jesus and get a miraculously amazing surprise. Today Jesus of Nazareth is coming your way to give you all that you need to continue to live for Him. Are you ready with your requests? Will you be lost in His wonder and awe and forget to even ask for anything? But He knows what is in your heart and will fulfill it all to the praise of His name!

Psalms 20:4 – May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your counsel!   

Thought for Today
When we see the King in His glory, we will get ourselves lost the wonder and awe of His majesty and forget to ask petty things from Him.

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