God’s Dayspring!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Matthew 2:2 – “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”

It is a paradox that when a king is born, no one seems to know where he was! But the inquirers did not realize that the Heavenly King came in search of the poorest and the rejected people who lived in unknown places. He did not come to the well-known and to the well-to-do. His birth was first announced to a group of wayward shepherds dwelling in the open air. It was also announced to a few people who lived far away from Jerusalem, the religious center of that era. They were all people who lived in a hopeless world and looked for hope which they found in Him and His birth. They came to grip with the reality that Jesus Christ came to give hope to a hopeless world. And it was also a reality that He may be found by only by those who genuinely seek after Him who is the only hope for the world. Today His birth reminds all the hopeless people of this world that there is still hope for them in Jesus Christ. The seekers recognize Him because of His glory which shines brightly in their hearts. His light takes away the darkness that prevails in our hearts today. His glory transforms our damp and dark lives with a beam of heavenly light. The hope of the reality of His birth drove the magi to travel long distance with patience and persistence. They were focused only on the King of Heaven and nothing else. They were unwilling to settle with any other king or ruler anywhere else.  They were not bothered whether He was in a traditional palace or in a simple small house somewhere in the small and forgotten town of Bethlehem. They had no hesitation to look for Him in the seemingly uncommon places. They were unwilling to quit until they saw Him because they knew that only He could satisfy their longing. Today the baby of Bethlehem is the King of our lives who wants to satisfy our every longing if only we are willing to kneel before Him in submission, surrender and sacrifice of all that we are and have.

Dear friend, is there a spot in your life which cannot be satisfied with all that you have secured in life? Are you seeking peace, love, acceptance, fellowship, belongingness, meaningfulness and contentment in life? Jesus came to Bethlehem to grip with the realities of emptiness, rejection, despising and isolation that you experience in your life today. He came to remove all your anxieties, fear, apprehensions and loneliness from you and make you enjoy fellowship with God. If you are tempted to look at all the other stars and light beams around you, they will only disappoint you. Your achievements and associations will leave you empty as these are only smokescreens which will blow off in the winds of situations and circumstances. You will learn in life sooner or later that no shadow will ever linger with you. As time flies, they will all prove to be unreal. Friends depart you and dear ones prove to be farther and farther away from you when you are buffeted by the winds, storm, waves, thunder and lightning. But your King will not forsake you nor disregard you. He is there for you to behold Him in His beauty and glory which will lead you to brighter pathways in the future. His glory will lead you to joy unspeakable as it happened to the magi and the shepherds. You will receive new revelations about your pathways when you fall down in the presence of the King. Today King Jesus wants to encompass you with His bright glory so that all the weariness in your soul will give way to joy and expectancy in the days to come.

Luke 1:78 – Through the tender mercy of our God the dayspring from on high has visited us.

Thought for Today
The dayspring of heaven will drive away the darkest moments of our lives and fill us with His bright light of joy, hope and expectancy.

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