God’s war instrument!
Verse for Today: Friday, November 16, 2012
Joshua 10:42 – All these kings and their lands Joshua conquered in one campaign, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.

When God works for His people, they are mere instruments in His hands. He uses them at the right time in the right way to work for Him. He controls their movements and actions. He directs their pathways to go forward to destroy the enemy and capture the promises given to them. But the enemy tries to prevent God’s people from moving forward. The enemy creates obstructions, hindrances and blockages on their way and intimidates them through fears and phobias. The enemy will try to show them the fierce consequences if they move forward on God’s pathways. He will try to discourage God’s people and give them words of worldly wisdom which might give them seemingly smarter ways. But the end of it will be destruction. But God leads His children in mysterious ways. He gives them victory over fiercest attacks of the enemy. He goes before His children and fight for them. He gives them confidence and courage to move forward even when the way seems rugged and rough. When we march forward, we would see that our Lord has gone before us to prepare our way. He watches over us and protects us from every evil move of the enemy. He uses us to fight the enemy. When we are unwilling to relent in the wake of all the obstructions the enemy creates, it shocks the enemy to retreat. But he will reemerge at unexpected times to intimidate us. But our Lord is the victor over all the wiles of the enemy and will defeat his every move. We know this by faith and such faith is in the power of our Lord who helps us to trust Him to get greater victory as days go by. Our war is His war and all our battles are His. Our victory is His victory with His means which include us as His warriors.

Dear readers, when you win a battle in your life of faith, know for sure that your Lord has secured this victory through His mighty power.  His power and strength are demonstrated through the way He handles our enemies who are primarily His enemies. When God fights our battles, He uses us as instruments to fight the enemy. Perhaps today your cluttered circumstances can be your enemy as the enemy of your soul would have tried to darken your situations. But your Lord brightens your dark pathways with His light. When the enemy takes away what belongs to you, the Lord comes to supply your every need. When you are deprived of your legitimate rights, the Lord gives you greater privileges in His presence to enjoy. The Lord fights your discouragement and anxiety by strengthening your faith to trust Him for your every situation. He fights your physical ailments with the Balm of Gilead. When the enemy shuts your legitimate doors, the Lord comes to open it for you which no man can shut. When you fight the enemy of grief, the Lord comes to give you hope against hope. When the enemy makes you lonely, the Lord comes to give you new friends and fill your vacuum with Himself. When you are emotionally weak, He comes to fill you with His Spirit so that you will have the strength from the joy of the Lord. In poverty, He will feed you with the heavenly bread and quench your every thirst with His Spirit and Word. You are challenged today to be a fit instrument in His hands. He wants you to be His weapon of faith to fight the Goliaths and enemy kings. Our battles in life belong to the Lord and our victory comes from Him day by day.

Deuteronomy 1:30 – The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as He did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the desert.

Thought for Today
Every physical, emotional and carnal enemy will be subdued by the Lord for His children. 

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