Grace for all ages!
Verse for Today: Saturday, October 15, 2011
Isaiah 46:4 – Even to your old age and grey hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
God’s promises are for all His people of all ages, without regard to their age or seniority. He cares for little children from the time they are formed and cares for them throughout their lives here on earth. But His desire is that He is given the privilege to care for us throughout eternity which depends on man’s willingness to open His heart to Jesus. He treats us according to our needs at various ages and stages of our lives. He has enough grace and compassion for us no matter what our needs are and at what age we are. He shows compassion when we are healthy so that we do not fall a prey to sickness. He shows mercy when we are sick and heal us. He cares for us when we are tired, weak and exhausted. He sustains us when we become elderly with weak joints and muscles and when our eye sight becomes dim and our ears are slow. The most fascinating truth in the Lord’s dealings with us is that even when we are in old age, we are treated as children by the Heavenly Father. When we err, He forgives us. His hand of discipline is on us no matter how old we are, but it is all full of grace as appropriate to each age and mental faculties. It is amazing that our Lord carries us in His hands when we are weak. He cares for us tenderly because He has created and re-created us to be His redeemed people. He also rescues us like a father rescues his children from dangerous situations. He shows us the way forward by walking in front of us because at any age, we would need His guidance and support to go on the right way.
Dear friend, no matter how old you are, there is enough grace for you with your Lord. He deals with you according to your physical and spiritual age and the needs you have at each stage of your life. He understands the emotions of a person at each stage in life and gives you grace to help you at that stage. He also wants to use us no matter how old we are. If you are young, He will use your youthfulness and energy for His glory. If you are a middle aged person, He will use your experience and maturity for His purpose. If you are an elderly person, He will use your seasoned behavior for His glory. At each stage in your life, He wants you to be humble and broken so that He will be able to use you for His cause. He will sustain you here on earth until His purpose for you is accomplished. If you are young and run fast, He will run with you and will help you to slow down. If you are old and slow, He will not rush you into any thing, but will walk with you at your pace. Remember, the Lord was good to David when he was a shepherd boy and also when he was a senior person during the time of the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. He gave Abraham sufficient grace to leave Ur and walk all the way to Canaan, but sustained him until Isaac was married and settled. We can find Enoch walking with the Lord for 300 years. Methuselah found grace from the Lord for 969 years. The same God is with us today no matter how old we are and whether we are male or female. We are all His children through Jesus Christ and He extends His care, love, compassion and grace to us to deal in all the situations that He allows us to go through. Let us therefore be confident and firm in our faith in the Lord today and keep holding on to Him in all our situations.
Psalms 71:17&18a – Since my youth, O God, You have taught me; and to this day I declare Your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God.
Thought for Today
God’s compassion and grace are made available in the right measure to all His children irrespective of their age.
God’s compassion and grace are made available in the right measure to all His children irrespective of their age.