Guards for a Sojourner

Verse for Today: Friday, July 29, 2011
Psalms 23:6 – Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

It is comforting to know who travels with us in the difficult terrains of our daily walk in this world. We are walking with the Lord and walking after Him. We are on the Calvary Road, bearing the reproach of the cross of our Savior. The rejection, despising and ridicule of the world will be around us as we walk in the footsteps of the Master who has called us for this holy walk. When we experience the heat of the journey in an unfriendly atmosphere through the enemy territory, the Lord has appointed two formidable and powerful fellow travelers to walk behind us and keep us company. Wherever we go, the goodness and lovingkindness of the Lord will follow us. When we live as fools for the sake of the Savior, and when we willingly accept resentment and refuse to seek popularity, praise, prestige and prominence in this world, the goodness of the Lord will not depart from us. In His goodness, He makes sure that all the good things that are in the heavenly places flow towards us. In His goodness, the Lord strengthens us with His presence, preservation, protection, provisions and power to help us keep going. Even as we walk after Him, He is engaged in molding us to become like the Master. His lovingkindness will also follow us so that we would not be abandoned though forgotten by the world. When we are rejected by the world around us, the Lord will remember us just as He remembered Rachel and Hannah to give them His goodness. Even when the world ridicule us and challenge us to see how God’s promises would be fulfilled in our lives, He would still show His lovingkindness by fulfilling His promises at the seemingly hopeless hour. When we carry the cross, He helps us to carry our burdens and to keep going a step at a time by holding our hands.

Hello, dear reader, it is possible that you are reading these lines with a heavy heart. You might be experiencing rejection and resentment from all around you because you carry the cross and walk after the Man of Galilee who had no place to lay His head when foxes have their holes and birds have their rests. Remember, you are walking after the King of this Universe! Isn’t it wonderful to follow His footsteps! His goodness will follow you in your walk and you will be able to enjoy His favor every step of the way. He cares for you and wants you to cast all your cares upon Him. He sympathizes with you because He has experienced rejection and resentment with joy in His heart and wants you to have the same predisposition as you carry the cross and walk after Him. He makes sure that your walk will be a time of remolding you to become like Him one day at a time. In His lovingkindness, He will make sure that no good thing is ever denied from you. Most of all, He gives you His companionship and fellowship. He gives you wonderful songs during the daytime and night to sing which take away your weariness in the walk. Your songs will be a great encouragement to your fellow travelers and will challenge them to join you in this singspiration time. You will enjoy the journey because you will still be in the presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords. This truth is as sure as He lives. When you finally reach heaven, you will see the reality of His goodness and lovingkindness in not giving you the many things that you desired, and the many other things that He gave you which you have not asked for.

Psalms 16:2 – I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord, apart from You I have no good thing”.

Thought for Today
A heavenly sojourner is marching with the Author and Finisher of faith in the front, goodness and lovingkindness behind and grace and truth on both sides.

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