Guest or Master?

Verse for Today: Saturday, December 03, 2011

John 2:2 – Jesus and His disciples had also been invited to the wedding.

Jesus is committed to be present and get involved in all our affairs. He expects us to invite Him to all that we do. He wants us to do everything with His direction, involvement and participation. He will not force Himself into anything that we do and will not be a joy killer in our business. If we love, respect and cherish Him and wants Him to come in, He will come and make Himself a part of all our affairs. Even though He is sovereign, He will involve in our affairs to the extent to which we are willing to get Him involved. He will be pleased if we are keen to have Him rule and overrule in all our affairs and be the Master and Lord of all that goes on in our lives. He would like to be the Sovereign in all aspects of our lives including our education, employment, marriage, business, farming, social life, assembly life and even our leisure and retirement. When Jesus comes to into our affairs as per our desire, He would be available to meet all our needs in any sphere of activity. He will not usurp any authority other than what we are willing to give Him. In all that we get Him involved, He will be the Master if we are wiling. But if there are areas which we do not want to give Him, we can manage it the way we want and pick up the consequences of it all. If we keep Jesus out of our affairs, we can still run our lives the way we want and be responsible for all that happens to us. But if Jesus is invited into our affairs, the responsibility to meet our needs and solve our problems rest with Him. The banquet hall at Cana had the privilege of having Jesus at the wedding so that Jesus could solve their problem and manage their affairs far better than they would have handled it. Today He is available to get involved in our affairs and solve our problems for our happiness and for revealing His glory through it all.

Dear friend, is Jesus invited into all the affairs in your life? Is He only a guest or the Master of all that takes place in your life on a daily basis? Is Jesus allowed only an occasional visitor to your life or is He a permanent reality in all that you do? Remember, Jesus will not force Himself on you. He will come in if you willingly and joyfully invite Him to come in and take full control. But if you give Him partial control over your affairs, your life would not become what it ought to be. Jesus should have full freedom to do what He wants in your life so that He would have full freedom to do what He wants with you. Our ways of solving our problems would be with human wisdom and earthly techniques. But that is not how the Lord works things out. He doesn’t need to employ worldly technology and use earthly resources to accomplish His will in our lives. He uses supernatural means and ways to bring blessings to us. But the precondition is that we get Jesus involved in all that we have and do. Such lives will be blessed and changed. Such lives will be His platform to reveal His glory. So let us invite Jesus to our lives not to simply solve our problems or meet our needs, but to make our lives an arena through which the glory of God will shine abroad. This blessed opportunity is available to us each day and each moment of our lives. Today Jesus throws this challenge at us to invite Him to be the Master and Lord of all that we are and have so that our lives will reveal His glory to the world around us.

Psalms 24:7 – Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Thought for Today

Unless we are willing to loose our hold over our lives, we will not be able to make Jesus the Lord of all aspects of our lives.


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