
Verse of the Day: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Psalms 73:23: Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand.

Our faith in God is a great gift we have received from Him. It is a great privilege to be able to trust the Almighty who created the whole universe. Our God knows all our needs, desires, priorities and problems. He knows what we are going through and has provisions for us to meet all the challenges we face every moment of our lives. It is amazing to know that even when we face difficulties and turmoil in life, our God will not leave us nor forsake us. He will still lead and guide us, sometimes through rough waters and at other times through wind or storm. Even when we go through trials, battles, conflicts, confusions and doubts, our God is with us. So we can confidently say with Asaph that we will not leave Him either. When we have tasted the glory and the greatness of our God, we do not have any other better place or person to go to. In the midst of all our discouragements, He is there to encourage and strengthen us. So we can say with Asaph that we will always be with Him and will not relent. This is because of His surpassing greatness and our knowledge that He will not leave us nor forsake us. The consciousness that the Lord is holding our hands and leading us like a parent leads a little child is most comforting and exhilarating. In essence, we have the Lord in this world and we show our loyalty to Him by holding on to Him all the time. Such a mutually satisfying experience is the most precious privilege we have here on earth.

Dear reader, are you experiencing rejection and despising from the world because you live for Jesus? Do you develop doubts and confusions as you face rough patches in life? Do you ever wonder why you are suffering while less righteous people prosper? But there is no need to compare your spiritual bliss with the temporary prosperity that the people of this world secure. You are not on slippery ground, where as they are on slippery ground. Their prosperity ends with this life whereas your bliss is eternal. If you feel that you are suffering, it is because of that great cause that centers around you life of faith and trust in the Lord. Your difficulties in this life are training ground for you to develop spiritual muscle to exercise faith in your Lord. It is only when you have a problem that you realize how your Lord is with you and helps you to go through it. He teaches you greater faith and trust as you keep holding on to His hands and as you experience His right hand on you. You are right now being trained to develop greater patience, maturity, stability and growth in your life of faith. These experiences are thus investment for the future. So you need to develop the tenacity to learn from Him as you and your Lord walk together. It is during the time you walk hand in hand with the Lord that He reveals the greatness of His glory to you. But it requires patience and willingness to learn which He wants to impart on those who trust Him to walk with Him. Today let us walk with Him and learn from Him about His greatness. Let our walk with Him lead us to be amazed at His splendid majesty and greatness and let us get ourselves lost in the wonder and the awe of His glory! His glory will help us not to loose heart, but to become more confident in Him.

Psalms 73:28 – But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Soverign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds.

Thought for Today

There is no greater thrill in life than walking hand in hand with the Lord!

For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com

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