He comes into my situation!

Verse for Today: Monday, December 19, 2011

John 11:29 – When Mary heard this (that Jesus was there), she got up quickly and went to Him.

Jesus comes to us at the darkest moments of our lives to give us fellowship, comfort and strength. He draws near His children with blessings of various kinds. He has immeasurable strength and comfort with Him to give to His children. He invites us each day to go to Him because He is near us. He has answers to our concerns and difficulties. He understands our heartaches and pain. Jesus is our answer to all our problems. He will not leave us empty handed. He is not like other kith and kin who cannot do any thing meaningful for us except nice words and other expressions of sympathy. They will all leave us after a short while, but our Lord comes never to leave us. He comes to resolve our difficult situations and put our shattered lives back on the track again. When the Lord comes to us, He already knows our needs and the painful condition of our hearts. He also knows what He will do to resolve our crises when we meet with Him because He is our All Sufficient Lord. Before the Lord came to Bethany, He knew why He came at that seemingly late hour and what He would do to wipe the tears of the bereaved sisters. This gives us tremendous confidence in going to the Lord Jesus with our most intimate needs. Today He wants to pull us out of our seclusion and isolation. We are fortunate to be able to go to the Lord who comes to us in our times of deep anguishes in life.

Dear reader, are you going through a time of misery, frustration and restlessness in your life? Is there any anguish or pain in your life that overwhelms you and make it unbearable? The Lord Jesus knows your situations and wants to come to you today to be the answer to your situations no matter what they are. As He comes to you, it is important that you turn to Him. He knows the depth of your loneliness, pain, misery, anguish and confusions. He understands your broken heart and the tears in your eyes and that is why He wants to come to you. He comes with answers to your difficulties and wants to bless you with His fellowship in His presence. In fact, the Lord wants to answer you far beyond your expectations even about your seeming impossible situations. Your situation might be insurmountable for you, but it is not at all difficult for the God of creation who comes to recreate and reform your life and situation. He is willing to touch your life with His hand of healing and comfort. He wants you to go to Him and express your anguishes to Him. The Lord will answer you in a manner which is far more glorious than you would expect. He always gives according to His dignity and status which is far beyond our imagination. His hands are far bigger than any of our calculations or measures and He wants to give you His best according to His measure. There is no history of any one who approached Jesus and returned disappointed. This Jesus is coming your way today to touch the sore spots of your life and make your life whole again. Will you go to Him and confide in Him with all your needs no matter how desperate it is? You will be in for a pleasant surprise when you tell Jesus all about your heartaches and misery. He comes to make your life joyful and strong through unusual and unexpected ways which are known to Him alone. Today it is our blessed privilege to know that Jesus comes to us in our times of need with open hands of invitation and He awaits our positive response.

Matthew 11:28 – “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Thought for Today

Jesus comes to us today with blessings and comfort to enrich, strengthen and fortify our lives.

CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com

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