He knows and sees it all!

Verse for Today: Sunday, August 07, 2011
Psalms 31:7 – I will be glad and rejoice in Your love, for You saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.

When we go through deep afflictions and anguish in our soul because of our difficult situations, our hearts seek sympathy and mercy from others. We often wonder if there is any one who knows what we really go through and if someone could do something about it. Many of our situations end up like the experience of Job. There was no one to sympathize with him, and even his best friend and life partner made judgements about his predicaments. Their negative pronouncements seemed to have poured boiled water on to his physical and emotional afflictions. Accusations galore and comfort was not to be found any where. Such responses from nearest and dearest ones often increase the anguish of our souls. But there is a great comfort for God’s children in all their afflictions from their Lord who knows it all. Not only that, He sees us and knows our feelings when we suffer physically or emotionally. But He performs several more ministries to meet our needs in such situations. First of all, He strengthens us with His presence where we find joy unspeakable. Secondly He helps us to go through the afflictions and get victory over it all. Thirdly He teaches us the reasons why we go through it all. Fourthly He helps us to learn great lessons in faith during these trying times. Fifthly He helps us to praise Him even in such situations because these have happened with the knowledge of the Lord and that He has permitted it in our lives. Sixthly He increases our faith to trust Him in such situations. He will also helps us to use our afflictions as learning grounds to touch the lives of other believers who go through similar situations. He reassures us that He is with us and that He will never leave us nor forsake us in times of dire need. Thus when our Lord is with us in our situations, He becomes our partner in our afflictions.

Dear friend, if you truly follow the Lord, you will have afflictions and anguish of various kinds. Sometimes these afflictions are caused by the enemy of our souls who manipulates our circumstances. At other times, these might be the consequences of our own actions which are less prudent. We might be allowed to go through tests sent our way by the Lord to help us measure the extent of our faith and to increase our faith to trust Him more. These afflictions might be the chastisement sent our way by our Lord because of our disobedience. But no matter what the reasons behind the afflictions are, the Lord will not forsake us as we go through it. He will not leave us alone, but will be with us to give us the strength to go through it. He will pour out His grace to help us handle the situations. The intensity of the heat of our afflictions would mean greater measure of grace for us to handle it and for us to come out victorious. This was the experience of God’ servants like Jacob, Joseph, David, Paul and others who passed through deep afflictions of various kinds. David was in great anguish because any moment in his life, he could have been annihilated by the enemy. But when he learned that his Lord was with him, it helped David to take courage. David learned wonderful lessons as he went through these painful and dreadful situations which helped him to praise God for these experiences. This Lord is with us when we are put in pits, dungeons, furnaces, dens of wild animals, dark valleys, storms, wind and flood of events. He reassures us that His protective hands are around us and that He holds us in the palm of His hands. He sympathizes with us in our situations strengthens us for His glory. Today and every day of our lives, our Lord is with us in all our situations to tell us that He sees everything that we go through and knows it all from its beginning till the end. So let us go forward boldly and courageously with Him even through the valleys of life.

Psalms 103:14 – For He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.

Thought for Today
The pain that afflictions send our way will be lost in the love that encompasses around us as we are in the Lord’s loving hands.

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