He will not forget you!
Verse for Today: Saturday, October 06, 2012
Genesis 21:1 – Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what He had promised.
When the whole world writes us off, our Lord will not. He will always remember us. He will fulfill all His promises to us in spite of our unfaithfulness because He is full of grace and compassion. He recognizes us as His children and forgives our infirmities. His promises come true at His time which is our best time to receive it from Him. Sarah had problem with faith when she laughed at the promise of God for a child. For her, the promise was great, but improbable. So she hesitated to accept it at face value. But God meant what He said and had already planned for it. He gives us in His grace what we cannot get by sight. Our reasoning and logic will not work in the wake of God’s promises which are often unreasonable according to human mind and intelligence. But God always mean what He says and will fulfill it at the right time, and will not relent. No matter what changes come about in our circumstances, it will not deter God from accomplishing His plan in our lives. Sarah was a part of the call Abraham received and she was part of all the promises that God gave Abraham. So at His designed hour, God came to Sarah in a special way to give her the desire of her heart which was promised by Him. This promise was twenty five years old, but it was fulfilled at God’s time. The past twenty five years were delays of preparation of Sarah and Abraham to receive the special gift from God by faith. In His infinite wisdom, God had already chosen Sarah to be the great grandmother of Jesus. So according to God’s infinite plan, Isaac had to be born at God’s own time. Today God reminds each of us that He who remembered Sarah and showed her grace and mercy is our God who will remember us at our very hour of need. He tells us that He will do the same for us if we trust Him and wait for His time to come. Even if the whole world forgets us or undervalues us, our Lord will still remember us and grant us His visitation of grace, love, compassion and mercy.
Dear reader, are you tempted to give up hope about the fulfillment of God’s promises in your life? Are you tired of waiting for a long time for God’s time to come in your situation for a release from your burdens and for meeting some of your intimate needs? Is the enemy of your soul trying to persuade you to believe that these promises might not come true in your life? Does the enemy try to tell you that God is not doing what He has promised you because He doesn’t love you anymore? Don’t you succumb to the pressures of circumstances, the long waiting period and the lies of the enemy? The God who did not forsake Sarah will not forsake you either. He is the God who remembered His battered daughters like Rachel and Hannah and met their intimate needs at the right time. He is the God who removed their scorn and shame. He proved to Sarah that He will never leave His children empty handed. He has something special to give you today for which He prepares you. But He gives it to you when you lose all your dependence on your strength. He grants you the desires of your heart when you lose your grip on your life and situation. When He gives, He gives His best to you because He loves you so much. Today Sarah stands out as a challenge to us to put all our trust in Him and believe on His promises fully. Our God will honor His promises given to us in the Holy Writ.
Hebrews 11:11 – It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and he was old. She believed that God would keep His promise.
Thought for Today
It is God’s prerogative to give us His best while it is our privilege to have faith in His willingness and ability to meet all our needs at the right time.
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