Heavenly Peace!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 23, 2012
Isaiah 9:6 – And His name shall be called Prince of Peace.

Man who lived in perfect peace in the Garden of Eden lost his peace through disobedience and sin. As a result man lost his fellowship, communion and peace with God. As a result, man lost his peace with himself and in all his relationships. But God took the initiative to come down to man to talk to him about his spiritual condition. There God made peace with man on His own accord and terms which culminated in a sacrifice that point towards the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. The Immanuel who was born in Bethlehem was the peace sacrifice who is our wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God and Father of Eternity. He is our Prince of Peace who voluntarily came down to the earth to make peace us. He took man’s offense against God in His body and died for man in order to make peace between God and man. He administers that peace for all who go to Him and confess Him as their Savior and Lord. He helps us to live in peace with God and with other human beings. As the Prince of Peace, He intercedes for all God’s children so that they would be spared of the price to be paid for their continued offenses against God. He also helps those who do not have peace in their hearts and relationships through His Spirit. Today lasting peace in our hearts is possible only through genuine repentance and confession. Any truce, settlement, accord or covenant among people, nations and tribes will not last long because these are based on convenience and gain of some sort rather than genuine repentance and confession. Such genuine peace leads us to peaceful living and relationships. True peace is what we experience first and foremost between us and our God which will reflect in our other relationships. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is the source, cause and provider of such genuine peace in our hearts to equip us to live in peace in today’s chaotic world.

Dear reader, are you able to enjoy genuine peace in your life? If you have peace with God, then you do not need to live in guilt for past sins which were confessed. Such inner peace takes away fear and anxiety about what the future holds. Such peace is the foundation of all your relationships and involvements around us. But we still face false accusations from the enemy all the time. He complicates our situations to take away our peace and joy. He went to the presence of God once to accuse Job. He even used Job’s friends to find fault with him, thus adding pain and agony to his grievous heart. But the Prince of Peace revealed Himself to Job to comfort and strengthen him. Jesus, the Prince of Peace comes to us today to fill our hearts with His peace when all around is chaos and confusion. He gives us His peace which is beyond all comprehension. He renews our hearts to be able to enjoy His peace in the midst of conflicts. His Spirit washes us with His Word and takes our burdens away. When we lack peace, we have the privilege to ask the Prince of Peace to fill us with His Spirit and take away all conflicts and confusions. If there are wounds in our hearts, He will apply the Balm of Gilead to heal and renew us. Today let us go to Jesus Christ, our Immanuel and Prince of Peace and ask Him to rule our hearts with His peace in all our situations and circumstances. When we go through the dark valleys of life, our Prince of Peace will be with us to fill us with hope about our forward path and keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:3 – You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You.

Thought for Today
The Prince of Peace fills our heats with His Spirit and Word in all our circumstances.

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