Help from Top of the Universe!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Psalms 20:2 –
May He send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.

Extraordinary and unique ways are designed by God to send help to His children while they are in this world. God’s sources of support for His children presuppose the stark reality that the sources on earth are insufficient to meet their needs. It also underscores the fact that the needs of God’s children are met with all the sufficiency of God which is beyond measure or imagination. First of all support comes directly from the presence of God which is filled with the magnificence of the glory of God where His children are seated. As they sit in God’s Throne Room, they are partakers of all that is reserved for His children to draw upon. In spite of all that is there, God Himself is there in His Throne Room, and His children get Him more than any thing else which is far greater in sufficiency to meet all their needs. In comparison with the tiny needs of God’s Children, God’s person, His personal glory and the abundance of His grace and love are so vast and far beyond any imagination. All of these are available to us to meet all our needs right now. These are flowing to us uninterrupted. But we are often so short sighted as not to see and enjoy all that comes our way directly from His presence. Abraham was satisfied by seeing His glory from a distance. David sang innumerable songs about the magnificence of this Lord and His sufficiency. Solomon wrote vast number of proverbs touching on this glory and Isaiah prophesied about what His glory would accomplish throughout the coming ages. This glorious person came to Bethlehem as a baby to touch the rough patches of human life and to fill it with His riches. He has opened the windows of Zion and showered His vast riches to His servants through the centuries from the abundance of His rich warehouse. People like Abraham, Joseph, Elijah, Elisha, Gideon, Samson, David, Peter, James, John, Paul and millions of His other servants throughout the last several centuries imbibed from it. Our help today comes from this same reservoir.

Dear friend, are you a needy person today? Do you feel frustrated that the earthly sources promise to meet your physical, financial, emotional, social and spiritual needs, but fall far short? No matter what your needs are and how vast they might be, it can be met absolutely sufficiently by the Lord from His sanctuary in Zion. You are already seated there and have the freedom and right to possess it to the extent of your needs. If your eyes are blurred can’t see these resources because of the unconfessed sins which loom large in your heart, you can get yourself cleansed with the living word. Thus you will be enabled to see the depth, vastness, height and breadth of the rich resources God has stored up for you. You are already made heirs of all that Heaven has. You are given the privilege to appropriate it by faith. These resources are unmatched in power and excellence when compared to any thing that the world knows about. They can satisfy you fully and absolutely both now and forevermore. There is answer to all your questions there. All your doubts are cleared all your confusions are removed there. The best remedy for your faithlessness, lack of courage and confidence is available there. You can have abundant life with its rich aroma flowing from Zion. You do not need to go any where else, because you are fortunately in the vineyard of your great Boaz. There is no need for you to deprive yourself of the fullness of life in its depth and height and to live like a pauper. Today it is your privilege to draw upon the help made available to you from Zion to live victoriously and enjoy the richness of the blessings of God.

Ephesians 1:3 – Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ.

Thought for Today
If we do not appropriate the blessings which come to us from the sanctuary, we are in essence resenting the best that God so kindly gives to us.

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