Higher ground!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Genesis 19:27 – Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he stood before the Lord.

Our meeting place with the Almighty God is always on the higher ground. It is a place of spiritual height where we are privileged to behold the glory of our God and hear His voice. It is a place where we have received His great promises. It is the place where we get ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of His eminence and magnificence. The higher ground elevates us to the heights of spiritual encounter with Him and gets His vision about what He would do around us and through us. The higher ground will fill us with the awe of the Lord and live humbly as His servants. But it is also a place of prayer where we are able to speak to the Lord just as Abraham did. We have the freedom according to His grace to dialogue with Him about our spiritual burden for ourselves and others. Abraham used such freedom to intercede for Lot and at the same time, he enjoyed promise about his own family. It was from this higher ground that Abraham was able to see the way God fulfilled His will about Sodom and Gomorrah. From there Abraham was able to see by faith how the Lord would have delivered Lot and his family from destruction. Abraham couldn’t have desired to stand on any other ground because none else would have given him the kind of spiritual experience and privilege to stand with God. Today when we bend our knees to pray, we reach that higher ground where our God comes down to listen to our prayers. He comes down to the holy ground of prayer where our tears are wiped and burdens exchanged. It is there that He treats us as mothers cuddle and comfort little children. Today our Lord invites us to go to the higher ground to meet with Him to enjoy divine fellowship and a time of sharing. It is the shadow of the Almighty here on earth and our dwelling place on His green pastures.

Dear friend, today you have the freedom and opportunity to be adventurous by climbing to the higher grounds where our God will meet with you. Let’s go there with our burdens, tears, problems, difficulties, pain, misery, failures, losses and defeats. He will meet with us at the place of intercession and interactive prayer where we can share all our cares with God. He will take it all away and give us His peace and joy in return. Once we pass it all on to the Lord, there is no reason for us to carry it again. If we trust Him with all our tomorrows and our eternity, there is no need to continue to carry it ourselves. Our Lord has very broad shoulders to carry all our burdens all the time. Perhaps you are burdened today about your job situation, financial crisis, business failure, ruptured relationship, physical ailment, unkind criticism and false accusations. But your Lord will take it all from you if we are willing to hand it over to Him. He carries it away from us so that our load will be lightened and our pain reduced. He comes to us to listen to our cries for help. He has all the resources that we need to meet our needs and resolve our burdens. He gives us the freedom to speak to Him as our best friend in need and friend indeed. Just as Abraham, Moses and David took advantage of the opportunities at the higher ground, let us draw near and share our burdens with our Lord and dwell there with Him at the higher holy ground.

Acts 7:33 – Then the Lord said to Moses, “Take off your sandals; the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

Thought for Today

When we climb the mountain to higher ground to meet our God, we will rise above all our earthly cares.

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