Hills and valleys of goodness!

Verse for Today: Saturday, November 03, 2012

Deuteronomy 8:7 – For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land – a land with streams and pools of water, with springs flowing in the valley and the hills.

God’s will for His children is always good, pleasant and perfect. He offers the fullness of His blessings to His children. The spiritual terrain that He leads His children into is one with experiences of both hills and valleys.  He keeps His blessings both in the valleys and on the hills. His hills are not only filled with sunshine, but also have springs to cool us off during the time of heat and sunshine. His valleys have springs as well as pools to give us water all around the seasons. The valleys give us blessings of the springs and the pools where we can dip and cool ourselves off. There is no dull moment in the spiritual terrain of the Lord where we find grazing field and resting places. It yields fruits of various kinds, grains, oil and honey for healthy balanced diet. But our Lord expects us to work had in the land and enjoy its yields to satisfy our every spiritual need. As we move around in His land of blessings, we will meet His choicest servants telling us of their experiences of how they found fulfillment through the hills and valleys. These experiences are for us to learn to trust the Lord as He wants us to also walk with Him and enjoy the goodness that He has established in His land of blessings. When we are hungry and thirsty, we have to go to Him and quench and satisfy ourselves with the fruit and grains that are sufficient to meet all our inner longings here on earth. Today we are led into the fullness of all the spiritual blessings of the heavenly places. We are blessed with all that Heaven offers spiritually through His Word and the power of His Spirit to live to appropriate what He offers on the hills and in the valleys of our lives.

Dear reader, are you aware of the blessings the Lord has prepared for you as you tread land of spiritual blessings that He has brought you into? You might be passing through the valley of tears today, but the valley has the Lord’s springs and pools to take away your desperation. His living water cools you off the heat of your circumstances and brings out new springs of comfort and encouragement to yourself and others. But He has also given you all the spiritual nourishment that is in the valley to strengthen you in your times of hunger, thirst and weariness in your soul. He has given you His Word which is full of grains, fruit of various kinds, spring water, along with minerals and metals for the ongoing character building. He expects that as you grow older and mature, you work had in the valley and feed yourself from the fruit and grain for your healthy growth and development. There is no shortage for anything in His valleys and on His hills. If you want to enjoy the fullness of His hills, you will have to climb by faith like Caleb. If you like to meet Jehovah-Jireh, you will need to climb mount Moriah. If you want to see the Lord face to face, Mount Sinai is right in front of you. Mount Calvary is there for you to climb to see the suffering Savior and follow Him. You will meet the sons of Korah in the valley of Baca and King David in the valley walking along without fear or anxiety. You will meet Isaac digging wells in the valley and finding plenty of water. Today God’s hills and valleys with the fullness of His blessings can be found in His Word and in the daily experiences of His children where their Lord leads them on a daily basis. He meets us where we are and gives us His blessings to meet all our needs. He provides for us and expects us to appropriate all His provisions by faith to live to testify to His faithfulness.

Psalms 34:10 – The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.

Thought for Today

God’s hills and valleys invite us today to go and appropriate His goodness to meet our every need.


Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support to todayintheword@gmail.com 

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