His best at His time!

Verse for Today: Friday, December 09, 2011

John 21:6 – And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.” So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.

Hopelessness gives way to evidence-based faith when we obey the Lord. From nothingness there will be great prospect as we follow the commands of the Lord. His commands will make us forget the past failures and bitter toil and hard work without any result. He leads the way from nothingness to plenty. There is no disappointment when we follow His words. There is no shadow of turning with Him. The words of our Lord are the creative words of the Creator God. When He gives us instructions, He also creates results and prospects for us. His words are not empty, but loaded with blessings. Our Lord gives us reasons to trust Him and stands by His promises. But we must listen to Him when He speaks. We must heed to His instructions rather than giving excuses because of past failures. He proves to us that faith starts to work where human efforts end. When we admit our helplessness to Him, He comes to show us the way to bring help. But along with admission of our nothingness, we must surrender our willingness to obey Him without questioning or doubting. It is then that we are in for great surprises. He sees to it then that we are given far beyond what we ask for or imagine. He performs miraculous ways to meet our needs which are beyond our expectations. Each day of our lives, our Lord is watching our fruitless efforts without Him and comes near us to enable and equip us to go His way. It is then that we receive His best for our use and His glory.

Dear friend, have you been working so hard to succeed, but have not found any results? Have your fruitless efforts led you to deep frustration? Perhaps you feel that it is time to quit because time is running out. Perhaps the Lord might not come your way till the last minute when you conclude that there is no scope for any results. But before the time runs out, He will definitely come your way as He went to these disciples to strengthen them. Even when they were in a stage of backsliding, He went to them because He wanted them to get back to His business. He wanted to remove their frustrations and sense of failure. He wanted to reassure them that even when they ran away from Him, He has not forsaken them. He showed them concern and care. He wanted them to forget their failures and strive forward as per His commandments. He satisfied their desire for fish and gave them far more than they expected and had capacity to haul. He shocked them with the abundance of fish so that they would learn the lesson that He was more important than fish, boat or net. He proved to them that He was greater than the Sea of Galilee, because it was He who created the sea and all the living beings in it. Casting net at His command is thus proved to be an opportunity to meet their needs and desires, but it showed them the extent of the glory of the Lord and His mighty power. This Lord who was with the disciples at the Sea of Galilee is with us today to correct our ways, remove our failures and give us hope. He proves to us each day that He is trustworthy, faithful and powerful to meet all our needs in all our circumstances. Today He is our Jehovah-Jireh in all our situations and circumstances. He will transform our failures to success in His own way and satisfy every need beyond expectations.

Psalms 37:5 – Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He will do it.

Thought for Today

The Lord comes to us in our most trying situations of failure and frustration to show us His ways for us to go forward.

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