His choice and my privilege!
Verse for Today: Friday, October 28, 2011
Haggai 2:23 – ‘I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.
When God fulfills His promises, often He uses one of His servants as a tool in His hands to accomplish it. His eyes look for faithful, obedient and committed people to become instruments in His hands. Our obedience, humility and commitment are the evidences of our willingness that the Lord is looking for in order to choose us. For each occasion, He has His choice servants to work for Him. He could have accomplished the task all by Himself and would not need partners. But it pleases Him to use us as partners in accomplishing great tasks. When Israeli remnants were prepared to go back to Jerusalem, the city that they cherished, God wanted them to go back to refurbish and rebuild the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem. For each of these daunting tasks, God chose the right people. They were right not because they were perfect, but because God found their hearts right with Him. Zerubbabel was one such person chosen by God to do exactly what He intended to do. It was merely God’s grace that Zerubbabel was chosen and commissioned for the task. The Bible is full of names of His choice men and women to accomplish His tasks for Him in each generation. They were trained by Him and were equipped for the task with His power, knowledge and strength. He chooses them according to His divine wisdom. He has chosen kings, princes, priests, shepherds, men, women, soldiers, fishermen, boys, girls, commoners, illiterates, poor and wealthy people and made use of them. All were people with feet of clay, but He strengthened them with His power. They were like His signet rings for the task that He entrusted with them with His authority and appointment. Today He is still looking around for such usable, humble and committed people.
Dear reader, have you ever considered the fact that God might use you to accomplish His tasks here on earth? If God wants to use you, there is no reason why you try to write yourself off because of lack of qualifications and skills. When God chooses a person for Himself, He will qualify and equip that person and give all the grace that is necessary for task. God will teach and train that person according to His schedule. All the physical means necessary for the task will be provided by God who will sustain the person all through the task. The lives of Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Ezra, Nehemiah, Amos, Peter and Paul underscore the mighty wisdom and power of God in choosing and using ordinary people to accomplish God’s plan for the world. If you are unconditionally committed to Him, you are also a candidate for Him to choose you. Your past is not a deterrent and your lack of qualifications or experience will not keep you out of it because all your deficiencies will be compensated by God. Your availability and willingness to be of use to the Lord will be taken forward by the Lord. He will not drive you from behind, but will gently lead you forward as He walks in front of you. When you are weary, He will support and strengthen you. When you are exasperated, He will inspire you. He will turn all the impossibilities around you to be possibilities in Him. When God makes use of you, He will meet all your earthly needs and lead you forward. As you plough His field, He will wipe your tears of pain and anguish. As you carry the load, He will carry you in His hands. When you are lonely, He will give you company. He will be your light and lamp lest you go the wrong way. When He chooses you, it will be a matter of great amazement for you because the Lord Almighty has chosen the unusable and makes you fit for His task. Today is yet another day for Him to use you if only you are committed and willing.
Matthew 22:14 – For many are called, but few are chosen.
Thought for Today
The fact that the Almighty chooses me to be an instrument in His hands to accomplish His task is a bewildering reality to experience and enjoy.
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