His comforting touch!
Verse for Today: Thursday, October 20, 2011
Isaiah 66:13 – As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.
Isaiah 66:13 – As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.
The comfort given by a mother to her child is unparalleled in this world. It is supreme in its expression of love and compassion. A mother experiences deep concern and even anguish when her child goes through sickness, pain, hunger, discomfort and sleeplessness. She does everything possible to give maximum comfort when the child is in distress. The mother is willing to sacrifice any thing in life to make her child happy and healthy. But God’s comfort is far greater than that of the mother. When mother’s love for the child is natural, the love of God to His children is supernatural as it impacts our lives far beyond any human imagination and comprehension. God comforts His children when they go through rejection, suppression, oppression, discrimination, despising and mockery. God comes to comfort and give us the strength to go through any adverse circumstance with holy boldness. When we cry, our Lord comes to wipe our tears and sooth our emotions. When we go through loneliness, depravity, pain and misery because of the wounds inflicted on us by our kith and kin, He gives us grace to endure it and to pray for them. He gives us the strength to face unexpected challenges in life and puts His arms around us and holds us in His hands just as little children are cuddled by their mothers. He will tell us how dear we are to Him. He will never leave us alone during trying times. He reassures us of His uninterrupted fellowship and companionship when the going gets tough and rough. He listens to our sobs and difficulties and sympathizes with us. His Spirit will give us hope for a brighter tomorrow when all our troubles in this world will be over.
Dear friend, are you going through adverse circumstances in life? If your life is one of depravity, He will lead you to His riches in glory for you to enjoy and draw upon. If you are lonely, He will give you His company and fellowship. If you are grieved about the way you are treated by those near and dear to you, He will fill your heart with comforting songs to sing in your dark hours. If you are mocked and despised, the Lord will give you deeper insights into the honor and dignity He has granted you in His presence. Your sorrow will turn to joy and your burdens will be lifted in His presence. He will unshackle you from all the chains which bind you and give you the release you so badly need in your spirit. If your heart is wounded, He will apply the Balm of Gilead to heal all your emotions. He will take control of your battered boat and paddle it towards the right shore. When you are weary, He will draw you closer to Him and pat on your back just as a mother will comfort her child. He understands your emotional trauma, swinging moods and despairing spirit and will revive your sagging confidence. You will be kept firmly on the Rock of Ages who will be your hope, trust, foundation, anchor and bulwark that never changes with time and place. Today you have the privilege to put all your trust in Him in the quietness of His presence and experience His comfort, encouragement, sympathy and compassion.
2 Corinthians 1:3 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort who comforts us in all our afflictions….
Thought for Today
Every emotional aberration of a child of God is healed when He comforts us with His gentle touch.
Every emotional aberration of a child of God is healed when He comforts us with His gentle touch.
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