His glory through my life!

Verse for Today: Thursday, December 08, 2011

Job 42:2 – I know that You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted.

There are various levels of knowledge of God in the hearts of different people. There are those who know about God, but then there are those who know God personally and some others who have become friends with God. This intimate knowledge is based on one’s own experience and the experience of others around them. These experiences are personal and lively. These experiences about the power and strength of God demonstrated in the lives and affairs of people make them get lost in the wonder and awe of Him and His majesty. God demonstrate His sovereignty and authority in all that He creates at all times. God chose the life of Patriarch Job to demonstrate His authority in peculiar ways which Job didn’t quite understand earlier in life. Instead, Job’s life became more painfully inconvenient and unbearable to him and others around him. His wife or friends couldn’t understand how God was dealing in Job’s life. But when Job developed greater intimacy with God, He could recognize that whatever that happened in his life was part of God’s sovereign will in His life. This has caused Job to bend his heart and head further and acknowledge God’s sovereignty in his life. Job was then increasingly able to recognize God’s unquestionable authority and power over his body and mind. When Job acknowledged this painful truth in his life, a lot of puzzles in his life found convincing answers. It was all part of things God had permitted in his life which Job had to recognize, accept and abide by. This truth has finally given Job a release of his spirit from the bondage of sufferings in his life. His sufferings have now found new significance in his life because these were the acts of God for His purpose and were part of His plan to use Job’s life for His glory. Job’s life was thus made a great illustration by God about how He takes glory through a life that is prepared and surrendered for His use as a great instrument of ministry of comfort for millions of His children all through the centuries.

Dear friend, are you seeking answers as to why there is adversity in your life? Have you been confused about the reasons for pain and anguish in your life? Do you wonder how God takes glory through your painful experiences that He permits in your life? How God takes glory is something that we cannot fully understand. But one thing we can learn is that it is God’s plan and program according to His sovereign will to take glory through our lives. Such knowledge gives us the freedom in our souls to surrender ourselves to Him to do whatever He wants to do with our lives. He desires such commitment from our part to His sovereign will. His love to us demands that we love Him back with all that we are and have so that He would have the freedom to do whatever pleases with us. As a matter of fact, when He plans to do something with our lives, He would do it any way because our lives are not ours, but His. He purchased us from the clutches of sin and made us His personal assets. As a wise and prudent investor in human souls, He knows exactly what to do with our lives so that we grow in our faith and trust in Him. In His sovereign will He has special plans to deal with us which He will accomplish at His time for His pleasure. This knowledge is too wonderful for us to know or understand in its depth. But what more can we desire than that it pleases God to use our lives to take glory to His name through whatever He is pleased to do with us! Let us today find solace in the comforting thought that what we are going through is according to His sovereign will for His glory and that it pleases Him to use our lives as platforms to glorify Him through us.

Hebrews 13:21 – (May God) equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Thought for Today

Knowing God more intimately essentially involves a progressively increasing submission to His perfect will in our lives without questioning or doubting it.

CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com

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