Historic faith!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Psalms 22:5 – (Our fathers) cried to You and were saved; in You they trusted and were not disappointed.
The faith of the child of God is historical and generational. It passes from generation to generation throughout the history of mankind. Children are often able to look back at the lives of their parents and confirm their faith in their lives. Israelites always looked back at the lives of Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to confirm the faith that they hold. They found that whenever God’s children cried to God for help, He delivered them from difficulties. The stories of their faith and trust have been recorded in the Word of God for the posterity to read and assimilate. God’s children traveled through the wilderness for forty years and found their God always trustworthy and faithful. He never changed His promises and He helped them in spite of their lack of integrity and loyalty to their God. Historical faith cannot identify even one instance of God’s lack of trustworthiness. David found this to be true in spite of the fierce battles that he underwent. So David asked God in prayer to authenticate the same trustworthiness in his case also. He had a serious bargain with God that if God had answered all the prayers of his forefathers, he had every prerogative to expect the same faithfulness from his God towards him. Turning through the pages of the Bible, we also have the prerogative to ask that the same faithfulness may be shown to us also in our times of dire needs. David’s prayer is also a challenge for us to take God at His promises which are eternally secured in heaven and are made available for us to claim. If we take God at His Word today as our fathers in the faith had done in the past, He would honor His word and our earnest pleas to fulfill it. We have the privilege to live on the basis of the historical faith of our forefathers and experience it as a reality in our lives.

Dear friend, are you discouraged today thinking that God is not fast enough to answer your prayers for deliverance and release from present sufferings? Remember, our forefathers had to learn to be patient as they waited for long for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Abraham had to wait for over a quarter of a century to receive the promised son. Joseph had to wait for thirteen years for his dreams to be fulfilled. Moses had to wait for forty years in the wilderness before he was used by God to release Israelites from Egypt. David had to run around for almost ten years before he became king even after being anointed by Samuel.  Our God moves according to His divine calendar of programs for nations and people. His delays are not denials, but delights in His will accomplished at His best time. His delays are delays of preparation of circumstances and people to fit into His mold of programs for the world and for His kingdom. So when we call on Him for help and deliverance, we must be willing to wait as our forefathers did by faith and trust in Him. He works all things together for our good and will make us wait patiently for His time to come. While we wait, the prayer and perseverance of our forefathers come to us with tremendous spiritual value to mold our life of faith and trust in Him and His promises. Today let us look back at our forefathers of faith and not be discouraged because the One who has promised us deliverance will never relent and retreat from His promises. One of these days, the Lord will send us release from our bondage and unshackle us from our burdens and difficulties and set us free to move forward.
Psalms 40:1 – I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.

Thought for Today
God works in all the generations to fulfill His promises which strengthen the faith of the posterity.

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