Hope, victory and reward!
Verse for Today: Saturday, December 08, 2012
2 Chronicles 15:07 – But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

God sends words of encouragement and strength to the weak who seek after Him. His words are messages of power which will energize and strengthen us. It will take away all our discouragements and fill us with hope and expectations. His words empower us to keep going when the going gets tough. His words keep us on His pathway when we are tempted to quit in difficult circumstances. God knows how tough our pathway is with thorns, sharp stones, glass pieces and heat. He also knows that we do not have the strength in ourselves to circumvent the difficulties and the temptations on the way. So He will fill us with His strength when we seek after Him and His strength. Jacob had no strength to keep going and he anticipated worst things in life. He was in the depth of depression, but God strengthened him with hope as he saw Joseph’s chariots. David was strengthened when all hope was gone and when he was running for life. Nehemiah was strengthened when he faced stiff opposition in the work of the Lord. Esther and Mordecai, Daniel and the Hebrew youth and Paul and his co-laborers faced such difficult situations. But they knew where to look for help, strength and encouragement. As they sought the Lord, He sent strength and encouragement to keep going. King Asa and the people of God were under attack from the enemies, but God energized and encouraged them through Azariah. God’s words of courage filled Asa with hope to keep going and to face the enemies with confidence, boldness and faith. Today the same words come to encourage you to keep going. God will give you strength and hope for daily victories in your circumstances. You have the privilege today to take God at His words and keep going no matter what your situation is. God has seen beyond your immediate situation. When you reach the next battleground, He will hold your hands to lead you to greater victory and to keep you going further by faith.

Dear friend, are you discouraged and contemplating to quit because the going is extremely tough and rough? Is your horizon cloudy and windy? Are you afraid because of the apparent darkness that looms large around you? But God’s words come to reassure you that He is out there beyond the dark clouds. He is the Sun of righteousness who will break open the dark clouds to brighten your path with rays of hope. He will send His heavenly wind to scatter the clouds and to fill your pathway with His light. Perhaps you are facing obstructions on your pathway from the enemy of fear, anxiety, helplessness, friendlessness, loneliness and hopelessness. It is possible that you are faced with infirmities, debt, unemployment, unfair criticism, false accusations, loss, failure, theft, despising and ill-treatment. When whole world is thus against you, there is still hope in God. Know that the enemies will come, threaten and then move away. Their intimidation is temporary. When they see that you don’t relent, they will quit and will try to come back with some other techniques. But your Lord will never leave you alone and will not desert you. He will empower you with His Spirit to keep holding on and to face the present situation with confidence. He has placed you in the present situation with a purpose. He doesn’t want you to relent and retreat, but to keep looking up and walking forward. Each day God will give you the necessary strength to hold on and to resist the temptation to quit. A reward is awaiting you each day as you look back and say that you have stayed put for one more day in your tough situation. Soon you will find that you have summered and wintered with the grace of God in your divine pathway. So dear friend, hang in there and hold firmly on God and His promises. He will sustain you to overcome the difficult situation.

Psalms 37:7 – Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. (NLT)  

Thought for Today
When God strengthens us, our fearful eyes will be able to see our reward of victory waiting for us beyond the dark clouds.
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