Hymns for all situations!
Verse for Today: Saturday, March 30, 2013
Mark 14:26 – When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
One of the greatest privileges enjoyed by God’s children is the grace to sing hymns of praise at all times. When situations are favorable or unfavorable, there are appropriate hymns for them to sing to praise God. Our hymns come from the conviction that all our situations are ruled and overruled by the Lord. In the backdrop of the forthcoming sufferings of Jesus and the celebration of the first Lord’s Supper in prospect, they still had a hymn of praise because all that was happening to the Lord and to them were ordained of the Lord. God’s people have a song to sing at every juncture of their lives. When situations look sad, dangerous or cloudy, we are taught to praise God. Many songs and hymns depicting the events which preceded Calvary were already in the Psalms, the hymn book of the people of God. Today God gives such songs to His children to sing and praise Him in all their situations. We can sing hymns in anticipation of the fulfillment of God’s promises. These hymns and spiritual songs comfort and strengthen us to keep going. Hymns help us to focus our hearts and minds on Jesus in our times of adversity and anguish. Songs appropriate to each of our situations is brought to our attention by the Spirit and prompt us to sing in our lonely hours. Some of the most comforting spiritual songs were born in moments of utter pain and anguish in the lives of God’s people. Such songs and hymns lift us up from our difficult situations to the streets of Heaven and to the Throne Room of the King. We find comfort, solace and peace as we sing and praise God in and for all our situations. Our songs in the night strengthen our faith as our Lord rules and overrule all our failures and frustrations to give us victory.
Dear reader, are you wallowing and weeping in the dark valleys of life without any hope? Is there intense pain and agony in your heart because your situation tries to push you around? You might be tempted to curse your situations and dive deep into depression because of utter hopelessness. But there is no need for you to swim in the muddled waters of despair and despondency. The Spirit of God will give you hymns of praise in your soul which will enable you to commit your situations to God and rest in Him. When you hand your troubles over to the Lord and take your hands off, He will take it on His shoulders and find solutions for you. He will turn your troubles into time of trust and confidence in Him. Over the past millenniums, God has given His children innumerable hymns in every language to sing and find comfort. There are hymns appropriate for every situation which we encounter and sing along as we travel through the dark pathways of life. God gives us songs when we are shut in the dark valleys of life without any stars in our horizon. There are hymns which will help us to take our eyes off the waves and the wind that beat against us. God helps us to sing during persecution as did Paul and Silas. There are hymns to sing when we rest in caves shown to us by God as in the case of David. There are also songs which we can sing when we just come out of our troubles as did Israelites after crossing the Red Sea. Today the hymns of praise that God gives us take our hearts away from our situations and fix it on our Lord who controls our situations.
Psalms 40:3 – He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.
Thought for Today
Songs of praises wipe our tears, lift our burdens and fill us with the joy of the Lord.
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