Immerse in Jesus!

Verse for Today: Thursday, March 29, 2012

Luke 10:41 – “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things”.

There are many things in life about which we are concerned. Our minds wander about many things in life. Some of these things upset us and some make us anxious. We become guilty of sins of commission and omission, and these are often because of our over-expectations about our capabilities and the availability of time. Sometimes unexpected turn of events disturb us and throw challenges which we cannot easily handle. Even schedules make us anxious. In such a situation, Jesus reminded an anxious and upset Martha that there was no need to be disturbed about many things in life. It was especially unnecessary to be anxious when Jesus was around. The presence of Jesus means that we can leave all that upsets us to Him to handle. When anxieties knock at our doors, we can ask Jesus to handle those situations which give us tensions. There is also greater satisfaction and fulfillment in life when we leave things with Jesus rather than trying to handle it ourselves. Spending time with Jesus is far more precious than preparing a gourmet meal for Him. Jesus also reminds us that many things that we consider important are not spiritually expedient and profitable. What is spiritually beneficial is to spend time with the Lord Jesus. In His presence all our anxieties are resolved. Martha had to learn that big lesson by watching her sister Mary worshipping the Lord on another occasion when she could only be a spectator. This great spirit of worshipfulness has come out of the time Mary had spent in the presence of the Lord. When we get ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of the Lord, our concerns, anxieties and disturbed spirits will give way to true adoration and praise which our Lord deserves.

Dear friend, are you disturbed about some real life issues today? Are you upset that things do not move as fast as you would have liked? Are you anxious and irritated when things do not move as you had planned? It is time to hand all these situations to the Lord Jesus who is near you. He is there to make you captivated by His glory. He doesn’t want you to waste your energy on things that are temporal and momentary. On the contrary, He wants you to get yourself lost in His person and in His love. When you look into His holiness, all that glitters in this world will disappear in its brightness. When concerns and anxieties are submitted to Jesus, He will take it all and make it matters of praise to His name. He will give you the strength to do what is to be done and to leave the rest with Him. He will give you the right discernment to handle issues without in any way distracting your mind from matters related to Him. Mary learned that lesson which made her submit her needs, concerns and anxieties to the Lord and relax in His presence. Martha needed a reprimand from the Lord about her anxieties which transformed her life as seen in later events in their family. Today the Lord Jesus is with us to help us handle our emotions in a spiritual way by submitting all our emotions to Him. He wants us to give our anxieties to Him rather than handle it ourselves.

Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Thought for Today

All our anxieties vaporize in the presence of our Lord who cares for us.

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