Verse for Today: Saturday, February 05, 2011
Exodus 3:8 – So I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt into their own fertile and spacious land.

The all-powerful God normally works from Heaven, but His presence can be seen everywhere in this Universe, as also His glory. But there are special occasions when God comes down to the earth to intervene in the affairs of His children when they are in despair. He has come down to enter into a covenant with Abraham and to renew His promise to him about the blessings already given to him. He once came down as the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly hosts, to strengthen Joshua in the face of war. Isaiah saw Him seated in the Temple in His full glory when he lost all hope at the time of the demise of King Uzziah. He met Paul in his prison cell at Caesarea to strengthen him and to renew His promises. He met face to face with Ezekiel and appeared to John in the island of Patmos. Yes, He comes down to reassure and directly involve with the affairs of His children at special occasions. One such occasion was when He came down to rescue Israel from Egypt and also to commission Moses for this ministry of deliverance. He could have done all of these directly from Heaven. But He decided to come down to give Moses a revelation of Himself to commission him for the great act of deliverance of Israelites because He has heard the cries of His people who have been under oppression for long. They cried unto Him and He heard them. He wanted come down because the situation of the Israelites was extremely urgent, pitiful and dire. He wanted to convince Moses about the importance of delivering His people and show Moses the strategic importance of Moses’ job as the leader directly appointed by God. So God appeared in person to Moses. God wanted to convince Moses about the impact of the cries of Israelites in Him. He is our Immanuel and He dwells with us and is a partaker in our battles every day, every hour and moment.

Dear friend, do you realize how our cries impact God? Even though He has the whole universe to look after, He is concerned about each of us personally. He listens to our cries and sees our bitter experiences in this world which is the territory temporarily controlled by the enemy of our souls. Our experiences of pain, misery, despair, distress and desperation create an impact on our Lord as He treats us like the apple of His eyes. Those who touch us touch Him and He feels it. He holds us close to Himself like a baby is cuddled by the mother and a mother bird covers her chicks. God of love, compassion, mercy and grace becomes emotional and is moved by the sufferings of His children at all times. Our Lord Jesus Christ had compassion over those He loved when they went through hunger, thirst, sickness, demon attack and bereavement and expressed His emotions to them and went to their rescue. He never forsook any one, but always helped them and solved their problems. He has never sent any one who came to Him for help empty handed. He is the Lord who touches and heals. He takes bread and fish in His own hands to break for several thousand people. He stoops down to wash the dirty feet of His disciples. He prepared breakfast for the hungry disciples even when they went backsliding. He is the God of all mercies and compassion who comes down to help His children in dire need. This God is with us today and He comes down to our situations to personally interfere in our affairs to meet our needs and solve our problems. So dear friend, no matter what we are going through today, our Lord will come down to give us comfort, encouragement and peace in our situations and to meet our special needs. By coming down to us, He gives us personal attention, care and divine fellowship in our moments of tears, pain, misery and despair. It is for us to cry aloud to Him, and He will respond in person to wipe our tears.

Psalms 107:14 – He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains.

Thought for Today
The heart-felt cries of His children impact the God of mercy to personally interfere to rescue His children from distress.

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