Impossible becomes ‘Him’possible!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Romans 4:18 – Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”
When he met God, he was an ‘exalted father’ Abram. God lifted him up to become Abraham, the ‘father of many nations’, but he was still a childless ‘father’. But when God called him a father, it meant that he was going to be a father by faith. Abraham had to experience the reality of the meanings of these two names at God’s time for which he had to wait by faith. He waited until it was absolutely impossible for him to become a father. But God kept His promise to make him a father in its true sense by giving him and Sarah a son by the name Isaac. Isaac was both a son by promise and a son by faith. Isaac was a miraculous gift Abraham received from God. Isaac was the link for Abraham to find the meaningfulness of his new name that God gave him. Isaac was the channel God prepared to bring Jesus to this world to save mankind. So Isaac could not be born like any other child, but had to be born strictly as a child of God’s promise. Isaac was born when all hope about his birth was gone. But it was a time of hope against hope for Abraham to believe that all promises of God will be fulfilled. It was not easy to believe that this promise would be a human reality. It was beyond human capacity. But when human capacity failed, divine capacity came alive. When it was impossible to believe, God gave Abraham the enabling to believe. When it was meaningless according to human standards to keep on waiting and believing, God gave them the faith to wait with patience and hope. God proved through the life of Abraham and Isaac that His promises are always ‘yes’ in Him. Just as Abraham said ‘amen’ to it wholeheartedly, He expects us to believe in His promises and live to practically demonstrate our faith, belief, hope and patience.
Dear reader, you might be waiting for a long time for God’s promises to be fulfilled in your life. You are probably challenged by the environment to think that it is unreasonable to expect these promises to come true in your situation. Remember, faith starts operating when reason fails. Faith is proved right when all else fails. Faith finds it possible to believe in the most unreasonable things in life because the God of the impossible has promised it. God’s Spirit fills us with the capacity to wait and continue to believe without giving up. There is no need to have faith if something can be done by human effort. Nothing can be done through human effort to bring faith to fulfillment. When faith works, reason will argue against it. It was impossible to think that a seah of flour will sell for a shekel and two seah of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria. It was impossible to think that five small barley loaves and two small fish will feed five thousand and odd people. It was totally unreasonable to think that a dead man would rise up again or a dip in river would bring forth healing. It is unreasonable for a man to stay overnight with hungry lions and come back unhurt. Today God leads His children through such experiences which are unreasonable to human mind. The world laughs at us when we say that our Lord will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. Modern technology or educational system mocks at a child of God who believes in and waits for God to work things out which are impossible and unscientific. But today that is how He leads each of His children and supplies our every need. He wants to challenge us to believe on His promises. Our lives become a challenge to science, technology and reason to believe that our God reigns in the seemingly impossible realms of human life.
Romans 4:20 – Yet Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God.
Thought for Today
God promises to do the impossible and the unreasonable to accomplish His purposes in our lives.