Incomprehensible Peace and Rest!

Verse for Today:Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ephesians 1:3 –
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Peace is a wonderful gift God wants to give the people of the world who crave for rest in their lives. We live in a world which doesn’t enjoy peace. The world is searching for peace in their summits. Millions are spent in search for peace. It is very difficult to find peace in the lives of people. Conflicts are on the increase at the individual level and in relationships. The social and physical cost of conflicts is bewildering as we look at the alarming number of psychiatric patients and the quantity of medicines consumed for psychosomatic illnesses. But for peace to be found in our lives, we need to have peace within ourselves, and peace between us and God. Jesus Christ has built a bridge between man and God through His cross. If we use the bridge and cross over to God, confess our sins to Him and accept the free gift of salvation offered to us, we will have peace within us, and between us and God. Peace is not the absence of conflicts, but the presence of God to handle the conflicts that emerge in our lives. Peace takes away restlessness, anxiety and despair from our lives and makes us relax in the midst of battles and commotions. Peace is the settling of waves and storms in our minds even when there is mighty wind blowing on the outside. Peace gives us assurance about our future when things are in utter confusion around us. Peace helps us to sleep quietly even when our boat is rocking and our earthly foundations are shaking. Peace is rest in spite of turmoil, tumults, tarnishing of image and turbulence in our situations. It is the confidence in God based on the fact that our Lord is handling our situation because we have handed it all to Him and are resting on His promises that He will take care of us. It is the experience of enjoying the company of Jesus even when we have to walk over the sea billows of life because He is the captain of our lives. In Him our current and future situations are secure and stable.

Dear friend, are you craving for peace in your life situation today? Is your scenario one of emergence of turmoil and uncertainty? Perhaps it is time to come to the Lord and ask Him to strengthen your faith to hand over your circumstances and life into His mighty hands. The Lord has promised that if you go to Him with all your burdens and conflicts, He will help you to unload it all onto Him. He will take charge of your situations and give you rest and peace. When He runs the affairs of the entire universe, can He not run your puny life also? If He can keep the stars and the planets from hitting at each other, can He not guard your life from hitting at unknown objects or events? Of course, He can, if you totally submit all that you are and have to Him. Peter did exactly that when he slept peacefully the night before He was to be executed. Daniel did that when he had to sleep with the lions one night for a change. Joseph enjoyed God’s perfect peace when he was locked up in a dungeon for several years. He had the confidence that even when he was shut out, His Lord was working to fulfill the dreams that He gave him a few years back. Paul could keep travelling in a broken ship for days without seeing the Sun. Moses had peace when he had a series of intimidating dialogues with the Pharaoh. John the Baptizer was able to stand strong without fear before the rulers and the religious leaders, and so did Elijah. They enjoyed peace within themselves because they had peace with God. Such peace pervaded their entire being and guided them to put their absolute faith in the Lord to enjoy rest in His presence. Such lasting peace is available to us today in spite of our circumstances if we hand over our affairs to the Lord and take our hands and hearts off to rest in Him.

Philippians 4:7 – And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thought for Today
The Lord carries our load and gives us peace and rest in all circumstances at His expense.

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