Dear friend, have you ever come to the Lord and find Him inadequate to meet all your needs? On the other hand, it is most likely that the world’s sources you have approached for help would have squarely disappointed you. They always come short of the depth of your needs because their resource base is exhaustible. Not only that, they cannot meet your emotional and spiritual needs, but might give you alms of some sort. But your Lord has limitless resources to meet all your needs. He loves you and wants to make you the inheritor of all His resources from which you are given the freedom to draw according to your need. He doesn’t fix any schedule for you to draw from Him, but would expect you to fix your own schedules according to your needs. If you are lonely, sick, poverty-stricken and bankrupt, know that He has already made you rich. Today you are a prince or princess as you are the child of the Great King of kings. He gives you His resources like peace, joy and rest for all your situations and circumstances. Money from a Charity will not buy these divine resources which are given yours free of charge. But you need to go to the Lord and draw from His resources. He will not thrust His supplies on to you by force, but would expect you to go to Him and enjoy all that you need to live with contentment. So dear reader, there is no need for you to waste your opportunity or waste time by going to the princes of this world who have limited resources. Go to the Lord today and be blessed so that you can become a blessing to others.
Psalms 34:8 – Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Thought for Today There is no limit or disappointment with the way the Lord gives to His children to meet all their needs at all times.INEXHAUSTIBLE RESOURCEFULNESS!!
Inexhaustible Resourcefulness!
Verse for Today: Sunday, March 04, 2012
Psalms 118:9 – It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.
It is considered a normal response by the needy to reach out and seek help from people who are greatly resourceful. They have wealth and influence which might be of use to the needy in times of their predicaments. These resourceful people in the social, political and religious echelons of society are out there to give to the needy through their charitable corridors. But they do not know us nor the depth of our needs. They have a general concern for the needy, but their resources do not reach all the needy people. They give to the poor, but the poor do not know them personally. When their priorities change or resources exhaust, their help cease to flow. These princes of the world have a lot of limitations and do not provide us with a sustainable source of help. But our Lord is greater than all these princes and donors of the world. His motive in helping us in our times of need is His love, compassion and grace. He knows all of us by name and understands all our needs in depth. He alone knows what it would take to meet our needs. He gives to us to meet our emotional, spiritual and physical needs whereas the princes of this world give only to meet a small part of our physical needs. Our Lord has the greatest and inexhaustible reservoir of resources to meet all our needs. His help is fully sustainable and will not be turned on and off for any reason. He comes to meet our needs directly and will use His servants to distribute it to us just as He did at the feeding of the Five Thousand. He gives until we are fully satisfied and have leftovers. When He gives, it is according to His status, dignity and greatness. His measurement is the palm of His hands which hold the oceans. He meets all our needs according to His riches in glory. When we are in His fold, it becomes His responsibility to give us all that we need to lead a life of testimony to His faithfulness. His giving is on the basis of His never-changing promises which portray His character.