King of Love!
Verse for Today: Thursday, December 13, 2012
Psalms 02:06 – “But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain”.
There is a declaration from heaven to the world and its inhabitants today that there is only one King. He has been eternally installed upon the Zion and He rules the entire universe from His throne. He controls all the elements to accomplish His purpose in His Kingdom. All creation works together for Him and declares His glory. No matter what the evil forces try to do, ultimately His programs are carried forward according to His schedules. He has a calendar for all ages and for all languages, tribes, nations and people. From time immemorial, the universe has been witnessing the actions of the King. He is also the king in the lives of His people in all ages. He rules their hearts and lives. He makes them part of His programs in this world today. He gives all people the opportunity to recognize Him as the king of their lives so that He can lead and guide all of them. But He becomes the king in the lives of only those who accept Him as their Savior and Lord. He listens to their prayers and knows their heartaches. When they are in distress, He goes to them to be their comfort and strength. When they are sick, He becomes their healer. In their depravity, He becomes their great provider. When they are lonely, He is their companion. When they lose their way, He goes before them and guides them. When they are in darkness, He is their light for their paths and feet. When the circumstances put darkness in their eyes, He opens their eyes and shows them the way forward. He rules their hearts and gives them the peace that passes understanding. The future belongs to those who honor and worship Him as their King and Lord. But those who reject Him, He will come as their judge. The events in this world point towards the prophetic calendar that He has established before the foundation of the world was laid. Today He listens to the cries of His subjects and meets their needs because He is their King, Lord, and their everything and their all.
Dear reader, are you feeling the heat of the turmoil that is around you in this world? Do you experience the distress that the world is going through? The world is in confusion and chaos because it has rejected the true King who rules from Zion. They rejected Him when He came to this world to become the King of their lives. But He still loved all of them. Today He is the King of the lives of all who have accepted Him and confessed His lordship. They are His subjects and He rules their lives. He rules and overrules all that happens in their lives and leads them according to His rule of love in His kingdom. He fills them with His love in a world which hates them because of Him. He meets their needs when the world deprives them. He gives them fellowship when the world rejects them. He strengthens them when the circumstances try to weaken them. He feeds them with heavenly manna when they are hungry and quenches their thirst with the water of life. He rescues them in times of danger and holds them in His hands when they are attacked. His subjects are His special possession whom He purchased with His life. He has given them eternal life and He has a plan to reign with them in the near future. As their King, He receives their worship and honor and makes them seated with Him in His presence. When they cry, He comes to wipe their tears. He is their hope and comfort in trouble in a dark world. The King of Zion is the Lord Jesus Christ who is our companion, friend, guide and provider. Today this Heavenly King is with us in all our situations and circumstances to take us forward according to His will and pleasure to the destination that He has designed for us.
Psalms 74:12 – But You, O God, are my king from of old; You bring salvation upon the earth.
Thought for Today
The King of Heaven is our loving, compassionate and caring Shepherd who rules our troubled situations.
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