King’s Gourmet!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 28, 2012
2 Samuel 9:13 – And Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he always ate at the king’s table, and he was crippled in both feet.

Enemies have no right or privileges to come into the presence of kings. They are never welcome to the dining table of the king. They deserve permanent alienation from the king and his palace. But the heavenly King is very different. He shows grace, mercy and compassion to all His enemies. His grace searches after them. He is moved with compassion at their deplorable life of depravity. He restores to them all that they lost when they joined the company of the enemy. Not only that they are spared of their lives, but they are given new privileges in His presence. The heavenly King spreads a table before them and makes them eat of the royal gourmet at His table. The handicap of the enemy is covered by the wood of the old rugged cross when they are seated at the table with the King. Mephibosheth got all of these privileges in the presence of the great King David. Today we all have the privilege to enjoy all the blessings of the heavenly places in the presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are lovingly and compassionately invited to stay permanently the presence of the Heavenly King. No condition is laid before us except our willingness to come. He comes to knock at our door and offer supper and rest to our weary, burdensome and restless souls. All our infirmities are covered by the old rugged cross. All our desires and needs are fully met and our deficiencies covered at His presence. But we must come with total surrender of our will and desires and have a heart to be contended with all His goodness at His table of blessings. There is no more need to wallow in our deprivation. There is no more fear about punishment or alienation at His presence. Our rights are established in His presence by the decree signed at Calvary with the blood of the Lamb of God.  

Dear reader, are you a weary and miserable soul today? Are you searching for an anchor and a haven of rest where all your anguishes will be turned to contentment and joy? You have an invitation to the presence of the King of the Universe who has already prepared a table for you to enjoy all the blessings of the heavenly places. You will no longer be treated as an orphan and a destitute, but as the son or daughter of the Great King. You have every privilege in His presence as His heir. There is a provision for all your physical, emotional and spiritual need to be met according to His riches in glory. All your former incapability and spiritual disability are covered by the cross of Calvary. You are treated as family and no longer as an alien. There is no shortage for anything at His table. It is the table of blessings which meets your every need and removes all anguishes. At His table, there is no bias, partiality or prejudice, and each is given according to need. But it is your responsibility to appropriate it all to meet your needs for strength and growth. Your King gives you far more than you ever ask for or desire. He has prepared everything even before your needs are felt by you. This is not merely a future experience, but it is real and true today as it would be on all the days of your life. So dear friend, you don’t need to live like a pauper and a destitute anymore. There is manna each morning. The ravens, widows and angels wait on you with food and drink at His table. There is no one to intimidate you as you enjoy at His table. Let us not be tempted to go to the broken cisterns and empty storehouses of this world to come back frustrated. Let us not go to the world with a begging bowl when an honorable seat is waiting for us at our King’s feast.

Psalms 34:10 – The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; but they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.

Thought for Today
The poor, broken and humble draw near to the table of the Lord while the ambitious run after shadows and smokescreens.

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