Learning experiences in faith!

Verse for Today: Friday, November 02, 2012

Deuteronomy 8:3 – He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

God uses daily experiences to teach us lessons in life. He allows us to be weak so that we can learn to depend on His strength. He causes us to be hungry so that we would cry unto Him for food which He provides miraculously. He permits sickness in our lives to show us that He is our healer of all our infirmities. He humbles us and helps us to empty ourselves of all our pride and come to Him with open hands and hearts to get filled. God leads us through wonderful experiences which might taste bitter to start with, but will end up in sweet savor of trust and faith in Him. The people of Israel had such situations of valleys with tears, fear, hunger, thirst, weaknesses, sickness, attack from the enemies and heat of the situations. These experiences were unbearably painful and hard to pass through. But God used it all as learning experiences for His children to grow in dependence on Him. Israelites had such experiences throughout their sojourn for forty years. They learned big and valuable lessons in life through these experiences which fortified their faith and trust in their God. They found that God was there for all their needs and that He was sufficient to meet all challenges in life. The God of Israel is with all His children all the time to help them learn to hold on to Him in all situations and circumstances. He allows us to go through rough patches in life which are part of the learning experiences prepared for us by Him. Each day gives us new experiences in life to learn the greatness of our God to meet all our needs in all our unfavorable circumstances. He proves that He is the unchanging God no matter how the circumstances change.

Dear reader, are you making use of all the opportunities God gives you to learn valuable lessons about the way our God cares for you? Are you tempted to feel that these challenging pressures in life are inconveniences in life or are you able to discern its values in building up your faith and trust in Him? Through these painful experiences of shortages, weaknesses, sicknesses, loneliness, rejection and warfare, your Lord shows you that He is ever closer to you to give you His strength to withstand it all. He comes to provide you with a buffer for each of your difficult situations as and when you call upon His name. He uses these situations to prove to you that He keeps all His promises to you. He shows you in the valleys of your life that He is with you through rain, snow, sunshine, dark clouds, dampness and the heat of the desert that He walks with you and carries you in His hands. He keeps you under His shadow. When you cry, He comes with the right answers to all your cares. But His primary purpose in allowing these bitter experiences in your life is to strengthen your faith to weather away these storms and prepare you for greater storms in life. When you find life a Marah, God makes it sweet. When you find lions around you, He comes to shut their mouths. When the furnaces open their mouths to devour you, He comes to encompass around you with Himself. Through it all, our God teaches us to depend on Him in all our situations. Today let us look for learning experiences daily to keep trusting God for all our situations and grow in our faith in His unchanging grace in all circumstances.

Psalms 94:14 – For the Lord will not reject His people; He will never forsake His inheritance.

Thought for Today

All our experiences each day fill us with lessons and evidences of God’s faithfulness to us.

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