Light for the open eyes!

Verse for Today: Monday, April 30, 2012

Psalms 112:4 – Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious, compassionate and righteous.

The world and its people experience a strange phenomenon of living in a dark environment while they are blind. Most of them do not have any idea about their pathetic situation. They are led by the powers of darkness into destruction. But the child of God is living in the light and is able to enjoy light because their blind eyes were opened by Jesus. With their opened eyes, they are able to see the crucified Jesus and the way He has opened for them to go forward. In this dark world, it is well nigh impossible for God’s children to walk forward without heavenly light. There are times when their situations are darkened by the enemy of their soul through clouds of confusion in the dark dungeons of life. When God shows them the way forward, their enemy will show them seemingly attractive alternatives to detract and confuse them. They are given exciting incentives to choose the wrong way. These wrong ways promise instant gratification of their deep human needs, but will not satisfy their spiritual hunger or thirst. God’s people need to keep away from such attractive incentives and look unto the true light of life which is our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the heavenly light on earth and He alone is able to brighten our pathways. So when there is darkness around us, we need to look unto the Jesus, the eternal light and see our pathways through His light. Thus we will be able to keep away from the pseudo pathways of the world which end up in destruction of our lives. The world system and technology will give us innumerable reasons to make us believe that their ways are better. They will also try to challenge us to believe that the Lord’s ways are old fashioned, unintelligent and not rewarding. Yes, the way of the cross is foolishness to the world. So the world will try to blind us with the glittering things which are made available in its vanity fair to confuse us from choosing and going through the way of God. The only way out is to look at our heavenly road map that is given to us in the Word of God. It is there that we will see the light shed by the Lord to show us the way.

Dear reader, are you a seeker of the perfect will of God today? Are you feeling a bit of darkness around you which prevent you from seeing the way forward? Your ways are sometimes cluttered and darkened by the enemy through manipulation of your situations. Sometimes you experience darkness because you are looking at the world’s pseudo lights called education, possessions, position, prestige and popularity. All of these will plunge you into greater darkness if you choose their ways. But if you look at the Lord Jesus, the living Word, you will be able to see the way clearly. But you must realize that the way of the Lord is the way of the cross which is narrow. You are to deliberately choose the narrow way which will take you to your destination. If you are groping around because you do not know which direction to turn to and what decision to take in your life, follow the Lord Jesus who has gone before you on the way of the cross. You do not need to feel helpless and in despair because your Lord will take you to the right direction and destination. You will have to go by faith and keep your feet on the foot prints of the Lord who has gone before you. You might be tempted to go through the way of Jonah, Baalam, Gehazy, Demas, the rich young ruler, King Saul or even Joseph of Arimathea. Take the bold step to follow the Lord Jesus and be ready and willing to pay the price in following Him. See the light of the Lord in His Word and follow the signals from heaven to reach the destination.

Psalms 112:7 – He will not fear evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

Thought for Today

The Son of righteousness shines on us to show the way on a cloudy and dark day.
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