Look of faith!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Exodus 13:21 – By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.  

God could have just commanded a pillar of cloud and pillar of fire to guide the Israelites. Instead God himself traveled in the pillar of cloud and fire to show them the way. He gave them personal direction and led them like a parent guides children. Our God guides us as individuals, families and churches. He has guideposts for us to look up and see. He energizes us through His Spirit so that our feet would have the strength to keep walking on His pathways.  But it is important that we look up to see the guideposts on which our Lord travels ahead of us. Our focus should always be heaven so that we would not lose track. Our up-look is the sure way not to sidetrack or take detours from God’s will. But there are temptations and attractions of various kinds to deceive us to look around rather than look up to God for direction. The materialism and the technology of the world would challenge us to walk by sight and terrify us if we do not fall for it. But our walk is one of faith and trust in our Lord and His Word. Many who have gone before us fell into the deception of the enemy and have taken detours to their ruin. Let us follow the example of Enoch who walked with God for three hundred years and enjoyed continuous fellowship. The Lord has given us His Word and Spirit as our great guides to show us the way and to equip us to walk in it. We need to be sensitive to His Word and Spirit all through our journey lest we fall apart or go astray.

Dear friend, are you facing temptation to follow your instincts and feelings to go in ways which seem right to you and would satisfy your earthly cravings? But unless it is authenticated by God’s Spirit and His Word, it just cannot be the right way. Your God knows that the enemy will try to plant doubt and confusion in your heart about which way to turn to. So He has planted His Word in your heart and has appointed His Spirit to dwell with you permanently. Jesus Christ is the only way for us to enter into divine pathway where He walks with us daily to help us every step of the way. So we need to be sensitive to His Word and Spirit and obey His instructions to be on the right track. If we disregard the Word, the world’s wisdom would slowly influence us. If we do not allow the Spirit to control us, there will be other spirits which will slowly exert influence on us to go on the wrong pathways. God shows us His ways in the dark and lonely hours of our lives. The Word of God has instructions for each and every aspect of our earthly life. Our God will not leave us alone without direction and guidance. He is concerned about us and our walk. He offers to walk with us if we let Him. He always goes before us in preparing the way so that we can go forward by faith to reach our destination. There is no need for us to fret over our future because the Lord has already gone before us. He holds our hands as we walk with Him and takes us forward and leads us to our destination. He guarantees us that our walk with Him will be joyful and fulfilling. If we look up to His traffic posts by faith, we will be able to walk without fear and anxiety and enjoy our journey. 

Psalms 107:7 – He led them also by a straight way to a city where they could settle. 

Thought for Today

When we look up by faith and walk, we will see Jesus walking in front of us.

Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support. 
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