Meaningful priorities!!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, July 16, 2013  
Genesis 4:20 – Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock.

The current revolution in habitat and food has its origin with Jabal who was in the lineage of Cain during the Noahaic period when the world abounded in abomination. When man lived without God, he looked for ways to satisfy his self will and lust which led him to experiment with all kinds of appetites of the flesh. He had a craving for living in newer habitats that he experimented with. Man lived independently and dwelled in sin for which the habitat revolution was a boon. Habitat experiments helped him to become a world traveler whose revolutionary dwellings took the form of caravans, tents, parks, communes, collapsible and prefabricated abodes in unimaginable shapes and sizes evolved to make it easier for him to live in corruption and violate God’s commandments. Man also had great physical appetite which led him to revolutionize livestock business to satiate his culinary inclinations. Thus man proved to himself that he could live without God to satisfy his every selfish desire. But we see that such riotous and promiscuous living to satisfy all his earthly cravings led man to destruction. When Jabals lived to please themselves and all their human desires, God sent a preacher called Noah to admonish people to live to please their Creator. We have reached a time of similar magnitude in our materialistic world where man finds dwelling places and culinary variations to satisfy his fleshly desires. But God wants us to live by totally depending on Him for our every need according to divine standard. He has promised to meet our daily needs including a place to sleep where we can pray and find rest for our bodies as we toil for Him. He has promised to give us food to eat to strengthen our bodies and prepare ourselves to serving Him. He reminds us that we ought to live by faith in dependence on Him. He wants us to live to please Him and not our fleshly desires. He expects us to be satisfied with all that He gives us, and grow in faith and dependence on Him.

Dear friend, are you craving for amenities to please your ego, fleshly desires and craving for comforts? Is there an intense desire for you to find satisfaction in the temporal pleasures that this world offer? Are you seeking after attractions in stylish housing, tempting food and posh living, and amassing the same for generations by using the time and the talents that God has given you to serve Him? Remember, God offers you stability, rest, peace, satisfaction and sustainability and promises to help you to live by faith and in total dependence on Him. Your best is yet to come and it is far beyond what the world can and will offer. Heaven is far greater than anything the world has ever imagined and created. What the world offers you gives only temporary satisfaction. Once you have it, you will lose its thrill and will grope for something beyond. This is why we see revolution in habitat, food and every other fleshly appetite which leave people empty. Your deepest and ultimate craving ought to be for God. The happiest man on earth was not rich with a posh lifestyle, but one who had no place to lay his head and had nothing material to offer to His followers. He wants us to follow Him and look forward for His eternal best. Today God wants you to rearrange your priorities and give Him utmost place in your life. He doesn’t want you to crave for the materialistic things in life, but develop a deep thirst for the eternal things. Today He wants you to have a holy detachment from all that the world offers and holy craving for all that God offers to live to please Him and live for Him.    

Colossians 3:2 – Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Thought for Today

The happiest person is one who forsakes the temporal and thrusts forward for the eternal and the permanent.

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