Milestones with Jesus!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Matthew 8:18 – When Jesus saw the crowd around Him, He gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake.

Every milestone that Jesus planned in the lives of His disciples was a learning experience. There are times when we are made to pass through tests of faith to reach His milestones in our lives. If we know that there is impending danger awaiting us on our pathway, we would try to avoid it. So He would not let us know what lies ahead of us, but His presence goes with us to guarantee safety and security. If we ever take a detour to avoid His ways, we would miss a great spiritual blessing. Jesus wants us to learn that every move He orders in our lives is a time to express His power and strength in our lives. When Jesus ordered His disciples to row over to the other side of the lake, He knew what would confront them on the way. He could have prevented the danger from emerging, but He purposed it as an opportunity for His disciples to learn to trust Him in the midst of trials, tribulations, perils and pressures. When Jesus asked that they move to the other side of the lake, He knew that they would certainly cross over. But He wanted His disciples to learn that their journey solely depended on His power and strength and not because of their ability. They were to also learn that when storms and waves beat against their lives, they would need His power and strength to go forward and how He would quiet down the opposing forces. They further learned that they could depend on Him to help them come out of any storms and waves in life. This power is available to us today to sail through the seemingly insurmountable difficulties that we encounter. With Jesus in our boat, we will certainly cross over to the other side.

Dear friend, are you facing some severe storms and violent waves today? Have these storms been unexpected and unprecedented? Are these beating brutally against you and making you bewildered and lose all hope and peace? But there is no need to be alarmed because Jesus is on your boat. His very presence makes your boat invincible by any forces on earth. The power of wind and waves are subject to the sovereignty of God. The enemy of your soul sends storms your way to take away your confidence and weaken your faith. But our Lord will make it a learning experience for you to know Him and His power in your life. He wants you to learn to trust Him in the most unfavorable circumstances and that He is all sufficient all the time irrespective of the severity of the situation. Your difficult situation is His platform to demonstrate His power and to glorify Him. Rest assured that you are sailing victoriously through the severe calamities of life in His power and because of His mercy. He has great plans for your life on the other side of this volatile lake. Perhaps you are faced with the wind of frustration because of delays in life. You might be facing oppression from those around you. Others might be leveling false accusations against you. It is possible that you are the object of hatred and ridicule. You might be facing calamities like ill-health, business failure, conflicts in the family, sudden job loss or unkind criticism from those who are dear to you. But the power of Jesus is available for you to face all of these difficulties and come out victorious. Don’t look at the storms and get frightened, but look at Jesus and sail through. He will rebuke the waves and the storms in your life to bring in peace and rest and take you to the other side of the lake of life.

Psalms 107:30 – They were glad when the sea grew calm, and He guided them to their desired haven.

Thought for Today
When Jesus is in our lives, no force in this universe can stop us from reaching the milestones determined for us by Him.

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