Mountain top experience!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Matthew 17:1 – After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.

Higher spiritual experiences demand that we climb higher in our spiritual outlook. Even though we start at the ground level, God wants us to progress to higher altitudes in our spiritual life to see the glory of our Lord Jesus. There are pulls of the flesh and the world when we are at the ground level. The noise and the busyness of the ground level distract and entangle us. God doesn’t want us to be at the ground level, but to climb higher where we will be alone with Him. It is at the mountain top that we get great insights into the Person of our Lord Jesus. Once we are at the top, we would develop craving to continue to dwell at that level. We can hear the voice of the Lord more clearly on the mountain. When we see the glory of our Lord, we will be lost in His wonder and fall prostrate at His feet. All our cares and concerns will melt away at the mountain top. The revelation of the beauty of our Lord on the mountain will equip us to face the challenges that lie ahead of us on the ground. As we face new challenges which are beyond our capacity to handle, we have the freedom to go to a higher altitude to meet with the Lord alone and get our spiritual batteries recharged. The mountainous experience is the power house of the child of God and the more we spend time there the more will we be strengthened to continue with our ministries. Jesus wants to lead us today to the mountain top experience so that He can reveal great spiritual secrets to enrich our lives. He wants us to develop a higher vision and a higher quality of spiritual life as compared to the ground level. So we must follow the Lord Jesus to the mountain top to see His glory and allow our lives to be ignited with His glory to continue to go aflame for Him.

Dear reader, are you still on the ground level in your spiritual life? Do you feel that you need greater power and strength to fight the battles in life? Such power is available for you as you climb to a higher altitude in your spiritual life. Your willingness to climb the hill is the price you pay to get spiritually recharged. The time that you are willing to spend at the top of the mountain with the Lord will instill in you greater spiritual power. Hebron was a hill where Abraham built an alter and pitched a tent to live for the Lord and that was where the Lord renewed His covenant with him. When he climbed the hill country of Moriah, Abraham was able to see the lamb kept ready by God and pictures of redemption and resurrection. Moses had to climb Mount Sinai to get a face-to-face encounter with the Lord to receive instructions for the steps ahead. It was on Mount Calvary that God demonstrated His love to humanity through the sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus. Jesus ascended to Heaven from the Mount of Olives and His second advent will be with His feet on this mountain. Today we have the privilege to be alone with the Lord in mountain top experiences if we are willing to climb by faith. We will meet our Lord there and He will share insights with us which we may not get at the ground level. He will help us to forget about ourselves and all our cares. When we come down from the mountain, our lives will radiate His glory which will be reflected in our practical life and ministries. His glory will lead us to face the challenges that await us each day in our lives. As we see the Lord on the top of the mountain, our faith and trust in Him will grow and we will be able to live above the cares of this world.

Psalms 43:3 – Send forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell.

Thought for Today

The higher the spiritual altitude we climb, the brighter will be the glory of Jesus and lesser will be the cares of the world in our eyes.

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