Mutual commitment!
Verse for Today: Sunday, December 09, 2012
2 Chronicles 16:09 – For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.
God is always in action to deliver and strengthen His children who are truly committed and loyal to Him. He is alert to meet our needs at all times. When His eyes see our needs, His power is poured out to meet those needs fully. But God looks at our commitment to Him as we seek His help. He expects us to be totally commitment to Him whereby we desire and receive only His help while rejecting the help of the world and the flesh. Abraham is a role model for us in such commitment to God. Our desire and longing for God is the parameter of our commitment to God. Where we fix our eyes is another parameter of our dependence in life. If our dependence is on our God, it will be seen in the way we approach Him and ask for help. It will also be seen in the way we pray and wait for help to come from Him. God sees our motives when we ask Him. If our words do not represent our motives, it will be dealt with accordingly by God. But He is also a compassionate God who shows mercy and grace to those who come to Him with open hearts and hands. Today God wants us to express our commitment to Him in the way we present our needs to Him. Let our commitment supersede our requests to Him. Let our desires be more for Him and His glory than a few things from Him to satisfy a few of our temporary wants. It is when we thus desire the glory of God in all that happens in our lives that He comes to meet our every longing including our mundane needs. Our God wants us to get ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of Him so that we are filled with His glory every day of our lives. Then His desires will become ours and His priority will be ours to pursue.
Dear friend, how is your commitment to your God today? Are you more interested in a few things from God which is that your motive in praying to Him? Is there a deep longing in your heart for God and His glory in all the aspects of your life? Perhaps your situation demands a few material things which are indispensable. You are probably struggling for basic necessities in life today. Your primary concern could be your safety, security, future, certain facilities or welfare of your family. Perhaps you want to be loved, cared for, recognized and appreciated by those around you. It is likely that you are looking for success in education, employment, business, or ministries. But is your primary commitment to these goals in life, or is it to your God who is your provider, sustainer and the lover of your soul? If your priority is God, then your primary concern would be the glory of God in all aspects of your life. God is today looking for His children whose greatest longing is to glorify their God in and through their lives. He will use their lives as platforms to take glory to Himself and in the process, their mundane needs will also be met by Him. He strengthens them to handle their difficult situations through His power. He keeps them safe and secure from all evil. He equips them to fight against the evil forces which try to devour them. He gives them wisdom and understanding required to handle their situations for His glory. He meets their physical, emotional and spiritual needs and keeps their hearts at rest in Him. They enjoy the warmth and the peace of His presence all the days of their lives. Today He wants to find you absolutely committed to Him in unadulterated, transparent, holy and self-sacrificing manner. It is then that He comes to equip and strengthen you to fight your battles and makes your cup to overflow with His goodness and mercy.
Proverbs 3:6 – In all your ways acknowledge (the Lord), and He will make your paths straight.
Thought for Today
When we are committed to the Lord in our lives, He is committed to glorify Himself in us by meeting our every longing.
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