Nearest and Dearest!
Verse for Today: Thursday, January 10, 2013
Psalms 22:11 – Be not far from me, for trouble is near; for there is none to help.
It is one thing to be in trouble, but yet another thing to know that one is in trouble or that it is near. We often do not know that we are in trouble and so we continue to live a carefree life until trouble overtakes us completely. But a child of God has his inner eyes opened by the Spirit of God to be able to discern that trouble is approaching. This awareness makes us talk to our Heavenly Father about it. Of course, He knows that trouble is approaching and takes necessary measures to see to it that trouble would not hurt or shackle us. The Psalmist realized that when he had trouble, his dearest and nearest ones kept away from him. Most of them did not show integrity and loyalty to him in his trouble. Many became traitors and secret agents of his enemies. But when all others forsook him, the Psalmist found his Lord near him to cover him with his compassion. He was with Joseph in the pit and in the prison cell. He was with Daniel in the lion’s den and with Shadrach and friends in the furnace. He was with Paul in his troubles and kept him going in the ministry. When troubles come accompanied with fear and anxiety, God is with His children to strengthen and fortify their faith. Today our God is with us in our troubles and He will not forsake us nor leave us alone. He knows what kind of troubles approaches us from the evil one and his agents. He will go before us to the spot of the trouble to snub it or protect us from getting hurt from it. He will also fill our hearts with joyful songs of praise in spite of the troubles.

Dear friend, are you aware of the troubles that loom large around you? Do you know that the enemy is making troubles for us to weaken our faith and trust in the Lord? Knowing this will help you to be on your heals always praying for help from the Lord. But long before you are aware of your troubles, your Lord will prepare you to face it and come out victorious. He will equip you to engage in spiritual battle against the forces of wickedness which try to fight you. He has also supplied you with His armor to use against the enemy who uses negative thinking, false accusations, misinterpretations, distortions, gossip and falsifications against you. It is possible that many of your dearest ones would have kept away from you at this time of great testing. But your Lord would keep you company through His presence, His Word and His Spirit. You will be amazed to know that when you are all alone in your troubles, your Lord will raise up people far away to pray for you. The Lord will encourage you through His Word during your meditations. When you spend quality time in the presence of God, He will fill your heart with joy unspeakable and songs of praise which will take away your fear, anxiety, isolation and concern about friendlessness. Surely, the Lord is near you to listen as your dearest friend so that you can speak to Him all the time. He understands your situation well and will give you enough grace to handle the challenges which emerge in the wake of newer troubles day by day. Today He is nearest to you and keeps you in the palm of His hands to give you greatest safety, security and serenity.
Psalms 145:18 – The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. 

Thought for Today
When our troubles keep our dear ones away from us, our Lord will come ever closer to us.
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