‘Nearest Lord Jesus’!
Verse for Today: Saturday, February 02, 2013
Psalms 119:151 – Yet you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true.

Our battlefields are unique situations when all our enemies draw near while all the dear ones keep away. We are often pushed to fight our battles in loneliness, without support from anywhere. Loneliness itself is a serious battle. Our enemy will try to keep our dearest ones away for want of loyalty and sympathy. The enemy knows well that if we are alone, it is easier to defeat us and so he works hard to keep us lonely and without support. When we are unemployed, financially broken and face business failure, most of our dear ones keep away from us. When our health fails and when we advance in age, our circle of associates dwindle. When we sit in depression and get ourselves isolated and insulated from others, the enemy finds us an easy target. He will give us added reasons to be in deep discouragement and frustration. Yet our Lord is nearer to us more than ever before. When we obey His commands to look unto Him, we will see that He is nearer to us and help us to see all His resources kept at our disposal to draw upon to fight and win our battles. Whether we feel it or not, our Lord is always near us and it is a fact based on His promises and on the understanding we have about His character. He never leaves us alone nor forsakes us. He is with us and near us in all our battles. We must open our spiritual eyes to see Him with us. We must touch Him with our hands of faith and appropriate the comfort of His nearness. When others misunderstand or misinterpret us, He will not. He understands us with all our weaknesses and will sympathize with us. He supplies us with His resources to strengthen us in all our areas of weaknesses. He comes to fill our visions, thoughts, meditations and desires with Himself so that we can keep going with dependence and faith in Him.

Dear friend, do you feel all alone and sunk deep in isolation and insulation from others as you fight battles in life? But there is no need for you to go into your own bondage of loneliness and withdrawal from life because your Lord is always with you. His presence goes with you because you are His precious possession purchased with the greatest price ever paid for any transaction in this world. Today He is asking you to open your spiritual eyes to see Him who is standing next to you with open arms to hold you. No matter how strong the enemy is and how bad the situations are, nothing will ever match the power and strength of your Lord. He will not allow you to go as a destitute in this life. His Spirit is living in your heart to give you peace, confidence and rest. Joseph had such experiences when he was in the pit and in the prison cell. Daniel enjoyed the Lord’s presence in the lion’s den. Jonah was blessed with His presence in the belly of the fish. His presence accompanied David in his wilderness life. John found the Lord’s presence in his exile in the Island of Patmos. C.T. Studd found such peace when the savage tribal ruler caught him in the jungles of Africa. Sadhu Sundar Singh experienced such peace when he unknowingly slept with a snake in the Himalayas. His presence enabled John Bunyan to write about the exuberant life of the Pilgrim from his prison cell. Apostle Paul enjoyed His presence while writing part of the New Testament from dungeon. Today the magnificent presence of the Lord is with us and nearest to us as we fight our battles and carry our burdens.

Psalms 145:18 – The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.   

Thought for Today
The Lord is so near for us to experience and enjoy when we are alone in the darkest moments of our lives.

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