Need-based blessings!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Genesis 2:18 – The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

God who knows our situation and circumstances with all our needs comes to meet the needs according to His wisdom at His time. He knew the needs of Adam, the first man, and provided a helper suitable for him at the right time. The helper God created for man was most suitable for his physical and emotional needs. God recognizes those who are lonely and without companionship and fellowship, and provides help to meet those needs. God’s help comes in our physical, emotional, social, financial and spiritual realms. God has the right provisions to meet specific needs in each of our situations. When God gives, it is according to His status and dignity. He gives abundantly to satisfy our every need according to His measure. God’s gifts provide contentment so that we would not need to go world’s sources. God is abundant in resources and all these resources are available to His children. He would not want His children to be destitute. He wants to fill their lives with hope and expectation and lead them to enjoy all that He has given them in full measure. God will not give us what is not good for us. His giving always ends up in glorifying His name as we receive and enjoy His goodness. But God expects us to recognize Him as our sole giver of all that we have. Thus we will be challenged to use all that He gives us for His glory and honor and for the extension of His kingdom. As we know Him more, all our anxieties about our future would vanish into thin air because no good thing will He ever deny us.

Dear friend, are you feeling deprived of things in life which seem to make your life empty? Is your life a procession of complaints and dissatisfaction? But it is a fact that your God knows you with your circumstances very well. He knows what you need and why. He gives you only what will be spiritually expedient for your life to be built up in faith and trust in His magnificence. He will not deny you that which is essential and good for your life. He knows you intimately to understand your most intimate needs. He gives according to His measure. He will only give what is best for you which you may not understand well enough to discern and ask. So in His infinite wisdom, God may not give you all that you ask for, but only that which will be a blessing to you. You probably will wonder why God allowed painful experiences in the life of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David and Paul. God gave them what was best for their lives to be built up for Him. In many instances, God delayed meeting even basic needs like safety, security, food, sleep and relationships to His choice servants. God’s timing helped build up these lives up for Him to use them for accomplishing His purposes which were all fully evident in the later years of their lives. Today God wants us to give Him topmost priority in our lives. In God’s economy, our needs will be defined on the basis of our priorities for Him. When God sees gaps in our lives, He will come to perform miraculous and magnificent ministries to fill it for us. Of course, we need to trust Him to be able to sleep in His will and leave the choices to Him. He will then open our eyes to see what He has prepared for us which will cause us to praise Him.  

Psalms 34:9 – Fear the Lord, you Hi servants, for those who fear Him lack nothing.

Thought for Today
When we are willing to sleep in God’s perfect will, He will show us His choices for us.

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