Needy meets the Benevolent!
Verse for Today: Friday, March 30, 2012
Luke 11:10 – For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
God is the ultimate giver who wants to give us all that we need. He has enough and more to meet all our needs. He knows our needs before we ask. But He will not thrust His resources on us until we ask Him. He wants us to prove our deep craving and genuine desire to receive from Him through persistent asking. It is a situation when we realize that we have no other place to go and no one else to ask. He wants to see our zeal in asking Him persistently and relentlessly until we receive from the Lord. He wants us to keep seeking and searching until we receive from Him. Our searching is an expression of our deep craving for what is available with the Lord. It means that we do not go to any other source to meet our needs. It shows that we are also willing to wait for Him to give us at His time. Our deep craving for His resources makes us keep knocking at His door until it is opened for us. We know that He is inside the door and is waiting for us to show our earnest desire that the door is opened for us. We also know that we are knocking at the door of the resource warehouse of the Heavenly Father which is reserved for us. There is no scope for Him to send any one of us empty handed as we ask, seek and knock. He knows what to give us, what not to give and how much to give. There are times when He gives far more than we ever expect as in the case of the fishing disciples. There are times when He gives just enough to meet a specific need as in the case of the bread and meat for Elijah for specific meals. But it is always to fulfill our craving and based on the trust we have on the Lord. It is important that we do no go away from His door after a few knocks or after requesting for something once or twice. God is our benevolent Father who loves to hear us asking Him as He wants to enjoy our total dependence on Him through the ways by which we ask. Today He is waiting for us to ask persistently so that He can give according to His measure.
Dear reader, are you in need of something today? Do you think that it can come only from the Lord? Are you sure that He has enough to give you and that He is willing to give you? Remember, His timing will never be too late nor it will be early. He gives at the nick of the time. When He gives, it is according to your need for that time so that you will continue to depend on Him alone for your future needs. But He is interested in your genuineness in asking by the way you ask, knock and seek. Your asking should be a demonstration of your total dependence on Him and not on your intelligent, health, skills, influence and ability to manage any situation in your favor. Our asking should show to Him that we are genuine in asking and that we do not have any thing to meet our needs. Our asking should be on the basis of our current needs and leaving the future with Him. Our asking should be on the basis of a relationship we have with Him which is not broken. Our asking should be on the basis of our understanding of the depth and height of His reservoir of blessings. When we thus ask, seek and knock, He opens the windows of heaven to give us enough to meet all our needs today so that we can keep asking for our future needs as and when it occurs. We should ask by faith and trust in the all-sufficiency of the richest with the greatest pool of resources and the largest heart of the Father to give to His children according to His dignity and status.
Psalms 20:4 – May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
Thought for Today
When we give our desires and needs to our Heavenly Father, it becomes His compelling benevolence to meet it all according to His riches.
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