No Rejection! No forsaking!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Psalms 37:25 –
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

It is a wonderful fact, proven through generations that the righteous persons will not be forsaken by God. They are treated by God with kindness and compassion. They may not be materially rich, popular, prominent or prestigious in this world. But their truthfulness before God will not be forgotten by a righteous God. It is most likely that righteous people will be rejected and forsaken by the world around them because this world is not a righteous world. This world is led by Satan who is the father of all unrighteousness, inequality, injustice and evil. Such a world can never be expected to respect righteousness. Righteous people are a great inconvenience to this wicked world. But God honors righteous people who have become righteous not because they are perfect, but because their unrighteousness is forgotten by God through Jesus Christ. All humans are born unrighteous. We do not have any truth in us and are by birth children of unrighteousness. But when we go to God through the cross of Jesus Christ and trust Him to forgive us righteousness, we become righteous people. This righteousness is imputed to us through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Thus when we become the children of the righteous God, we also become righteous. We are then called upon to live a righteous life here on earth. Even though we do not have the capacity to live a righteous life, God will enable us to live that way through His Spirit. Thus when we live a godly life as righteous people, God will make sure that we are accepted by Him for what we are. He will not forsake us nor reject us. We have the freedom to go to Him through Jesus Christ and are heard by Him. God will listen to us and see our situations. He will give us victory over our situations and take us forward in our sojourn.

Perhaps you have been forsaken by those who are near and dear to you in this world. It is likely that the people you loved refuse to accept you when you are in need. It is also likely that the people you served behave as if they have never seen you before. Some may not acknowledge the good work you have done or the contribution you have made to their welfare. Forces in this world might want to discredit you for all that you are. But you can be absolutely sure that the Lord will not reject forsake you. He will understand you and your situations. He will honor you for the good work you have done. If you have done credible things in the name of the Lord, He will not forget your labour and hard work. he will never leave you nor forsake you and will reward you by meeting your mundane needs. He will not forsake even your generations for that matter. But your generations will have the responsibility to go to the Lord to become righteous. So dear friend, if you are frustrated about the rejection that you experienced from those whom you have served, don’t be discouraged and stop serving others. Even if they forget you, the Lord will not forget you. You can continue to serve others in the name of the Lord and for His sake. He will see your good works and reward you at the Bema. In the meanwhile, He will meet your needs and keep you going with His praise on your lips. Remember how the Lord remembered Joseph even when he was rejected by his brothers. When Paul was tried by Caesar, the brethren in Rome refused to stand with Him. Aaron and Miriam refused to accept the good work done by their own brother Moses. See how Abel was rejected by his own brother Cain! Our Lord Jesus was rejected by those who ate the bread He broke for them. So dear reader, cheer up and take comfort in the Lord because He will not reject you nor forsake you. He will be with you to wipe your tears and carry you on His shoulders when all others reject you.

Psalms 37:28 – For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His righteous ones. They will be protected for ever.

Thought for Today

When God accepts us, it doesn’t matter even if the whole world rejects us.

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