On Royal Road!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Psalms 95:7 – For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.

Every one is in someone’s grazing field and is led by various organizations, leaders and philosophies. Our thinking is often influenced by others as we keep moving from day to day. But when we are in distress and difficulties, our philosophies and leaders do not help us because they don’t fully understand our situations. But that is not the case with our God. First of all, He is a personal God who has become our Father who maintains a relationship with us. He is our maker and so He knows all our needs. He has purchased us to be His special people. As our owner, He treats us with care and dignity. He keeps company with us in all circumstances and provides for all our needs. He makes us dwell in His pastures where there is enough to meet all our spiritual and emotional needs. He also opens the right doors for us to find enough to meet our basic human needs as well. He leads us just as a shepherd leads the sheep. He knows who can walk fast and who can only walk slowly. He knows who has special needs and carries them on His shoulders. He leads us day by day on His path. He guards us on all sides so that we would be out of all perils of human life. He satisfies all our needs according to His riches in glory. He fills our hearts with good things so that we would not lack any thing that is needed for our daily living. As we walk with Him each day, there is a divine guarantee that all that is good for us will be provided for at the right time. It is unthinkable that we walk with the Lord of all creation and be deprived of our basic needs!

Dear reader, are you aware of the great position that you hold in your relationship with God? Do you realize that God has made available all His resources for you to live like the child of the Great King? Remember, God of this universe owns you as His special child. He looks after you far better than any of the inanimate objects which He has created. When these inanimate objects have static needs for sustenance, you as His child have dynamic needs which change from day to day and hour to hour. He knows it all and comes in with dynamic provisions to meet all your needs. He knows that you are weak and weary as you are on this wilderness journey. He understands how much rest you need on the journey. So He leads you to graze on His green pastures so that you can eat from His satisfying resources and drink from His cool waters which will supply nourishment for your soul. His cool waters take away all the toxic elements from you because of the sinful atmosphere in which you live. He eliminates all the dissatisfiers from you and fills you with that which gives you eternal satisfaction. He also gives you rest under His wings where there is no room for any element of fear or anxiety. His pastures are inexhaustible so that you will not face any competition or jealousy from other sheep. Each of us can draw enough of God’s green pastures. When we are led by the Lord, we do not need to be concerned about the way. All our needs and desires are met on the way as His desires become ours. It is a life without grumbling each step of the way. We are on the royal road and we walk as royals with angels as our heavenly escort. It is a glorious walk which is most satisfying and exciting. It thrills our hearts to walk with the Lord and be a blessing to this world which has nothing to offer to the depraved people around us. Today let us walk with the Lord and enjoy His leading on His way for His purpose with the help of His resources.

Romans 8:32 – He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?

Thought for Today

Our walk on the royal mile with the King of Heaven is the most satisfying and thrilling daily experience.
For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: todayintheword@gmail.com

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