Our Burden Bearer!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, December 05, 2012
2 Kings 19:01 – When King Hezekiah heard (the threats of the field commander of the king of Assyria), he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple of the Lord.

There is always a place to go for the child of God when all other places threaten and reject him. There is a person to go to when all others resent, mock and prophesy doom for God’s children. When there is no other way forward, He makes a way for us. His presence is always open for us to go to with all our petitions and burdens. Our God waits for us to go to Him at all times. He receives us with all our burdens, cares and concerns and asks us to unburden ourselves in His presence. He is there to comfort and strengthen us. He is available for us to lean on to in times of trials and tensions. He has enough resources for us in His presence to meet all our emotional and spiritual needs in times of attack from enemies. When we are threatened, He hides us under His wings. We will be safe in His arms and under His wings. King Hezekiah had no other place to go and no other person to speak to about his turmoil. Even though he was king, he lost all his confidence and courage. He humbled himself before God and put on sackcloth as a mark of brokenness and contrition. He depended on God when there was nothing else to hold on to. God saw his true humility and helplessness and had compassion on him. God saw the way he spread the threatening letter of the enemy king before Him and laid bare all his apprehensions and anxieties. When God saw Hezekiah’s brokenness, He showed compassion and delivered him and his people from the enemy. God commissioned one of His holy angels to the enemy’s camp to devastate them totally. God demonstrated His mighty power among the enemies of His children and saved them from all fears. Today God waits for us to go to Him with our broken hearts and in true humility and make our petitions known to Him. If our humility is transparent, our God will hear our prayers. He abhors all proud prayers, but will hear the prayers of the brokenhearted and will answer them at the right time.

Dear reader, are you under threat on all sides and unable to move forward in your sojourn? Is the enemy of your soul threatening you through people who are around? Is there a threat at your work place, neighborhood, family or even in your circle of fellowship? Is the enemy attempting to belittle your faith and confidence in God? If you see the face of people, you will be more and more afraid. Instead, it is best to go to the presence of God and behold His glorious face. When you look at Him, you will see His love, compassion, grace and mercy flowing towards you from His face. He wants to speak to you face to face through His Word to encourage you and put confidence and courage in your heart. He wants to strengthen you with His Spirit and His Word so that you can go forward with His strength as did Gideon, Daniel and David. When we go to the Lord, there is no doubt that He will definitely hear our prayers and see our sorrows. His presence will take away our fears and He will reassure us. In the midst of our dark and cloudy circumstances, we will see a brighter tomorrow through His promises. If we go to Him, He will not send us back empty handed. He will sympathize with us and give us what we need. He will interfere in our circumstances and handle it for our sake. He will bear our burdens and carry our heavy load. We will surely be delivered and we will experience relief, rest and peace.

James 1:13 – Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.  

Thought for Today
Prayer is our opportunity to hand over our burdens and sorrows to our Lord to carry it for us.

Write for further spiritual help, counseling and prayer support. 
All communications to todayintheword@gmail.com

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