Passionate response!
Verse for Today: Friday, January 04, 2013
Psalms 17:6 – I am praying to you because I know You will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. (NLT)
When we ask for help from others, we are not sure whether we will get a positive response or not. We only have hope which is not founded on facts, but on feelings and assumptions. But that is not the case with God. He is quite capable to answer the prayers of His people. He has the willingness to give us our requests. He gives according to His dignity and status and it is often far more than we deserve or ask for. He has established His character as prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God through the experience of scores of His people. He hears the prayers of His people expressed in words, groaning, sighs or even in thoughts as nothing is hidden from Him. There are times when we are unable to utter words because of the heavy burdens we carry and the pain we bear. Even during those trying times, He understands the thoughts of our hearts as prayers. God has given His children the confidence that He hears our prayers. Long before we start praying, He would have prepared the answers to our prayers and groaning. He prepares provisions for our daily bread as we pray each day, but the provisions would have started flowing to us through various means long before we started praying for bread. His protection is also well programmed for each of our situational needs. When we do not know how to pray properly, His Spirit will enable our thoughts to properly pray for our needs. He helps us to see through our sanctified minds how He bends down to hear our prayers just as a friend would hear our requests. Our prayers are our talks with a close friend who sits next to us. David had such courage of conviction that He kept praying during trying times and situations and received answers at God’s times and according to His perfect will. Today we can go to the God of David and ask that our needs might be met according to His riches in glory.
Dear friend, are you in need of spiritual, emotional and physical provisions to sustain yourself? Is any delay in getting answers from God making you puzzled whether God really hears your prayers? There is no reason to doubt God’s capacity to listen to our prayers because He is the all-knowing Almighty. There is no cause to doubt His willingness to answer prayers of His children who walk according to His will, Word and Spirit. Those who do not comply with His laws may usually find it difficult to pray according to His will and get answers from Him. A disobedient child will always find it difficult to ask the father for favors. The father may not answer that child with enthusiasm. But our Heavenly Father is a forgiving and compassionate Father who hears our prayers in spite of our failures and answers our prayers in spite of our shortcomings. But knowing Him as the awesome God, it is important that we obey Him and walk according to His will. David lived a life of continuous repentance and so he had the confidence that his God would definitely hear his petitions and will answer at the right time. He spoke to his Father in Heaven just as a friend and knew that He would bend down and hear His children. Today God appears to us as the most wonderful friend who would listen to us and answer us. In fact, He is waiting for us to talk to Him in prayer as He is the compassionate Father. Let us draw nigh unto Him and submit our prayers with thanksgiving and believe that He has answered us.
Psalms 55:17 – Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice.
Thought for Today
The loving and compassionate Father in Heaven keenly listens to our prayers and passionately answers us.
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