Peace again and again!!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, November 15, 2011

John 20:21 – So Jesus said to (the disciples) again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you”.

God’s children are given His peace to lead us on a daily basis. But when we go through intense and bitter experiences and situations, and as we are not able to lay hold of His peace, God comes again and again to reassure us of His peace. He watches over our hearts always and when we lack the ability to exercise our faith, He comes to strengthen us further. His peace comes to us through His reassuring presence, promises and power through the Holy Spirit. When we lack such peace and trust because of our weak mind or fierce circumstances, and when doubt and confusion creep into our thinking, He doesn’t reprimand us or find fault with us. When Peter lacked such faith, the Lord held him by his hand and strengthened him. When the sisters of Bethany were broken down because of bereavement, He went to them to strengthen them through His presence and the demonstration of His power. When Elijah was depressed and desperate, He commissioned an angel to go to him to find him in his valley experience to strengthen him and to re-commission him for greater ministries. His empowering and enabling in times of difficulty is not only for us to get out of our discouragement, but for us to continue in His ministry. When God gives us such peace, it is meant to also strengthen others who need this peace. The disciples were fearful of the Jews and the Roman soldiers who were falsely accusing them of taking away the body of our Lord. Their hearts were broken because of the departure of their Lord and also because of attack from the outside. Our Lord knew that what they needed was peace to face the situation. He came again to them even though He came to them earlier to give them His peace. His peace came to them in the very person of the resurrected Prince of Peace. When they saw Him, floodgates of peace filled them and their hearts overflowed with His joy. Their fears took flight and their hearts were filled with courage, strength and peace. Whenever we lack peace, this Lord comes to us again and again, to reassure and fill us with His love.

Dear friend, are you faced with a situation when you are drained of peace and strength? Are there moments when you are filled with peace for a while and then it evaporates the next moment? Is it that when the sun is shining in your horizon, some dark clouds come to cover the sun with its bright rays? But then it is not a time to give up hope because the dark clouds will take a flight and the sun (Son) will brighten up again. When all hope seem to elude us, our Lord comes back to us again and again to bless us with His presence, promises in His Word and power through His Spirit to fill us with His peace. He watches the barometer of peace in your life and when the measure gets lower because of difficult circumstances and bitter experiences, He comes back to fill and refill your cup to overflowing. When our doors are locked from the outside, He still comes in to give us His peace and take away our fears. During the dejected Emmaus walks in our lives, He comes to walk with us. When we are crying in the garden where He cried for us, He comes to reassure and confirm His presence to us. When we are in our prison cells of situations and experiences and wonder how we would get a release, He comes to give us a song or two to sing along and take comfort in His mighty power to deliver us. Our Lord never gets tired of coming to us because of His inexhaustible love to us. He wants to fill our hearts with His overflowing love and will not allow our hearts to have a vacuum. His power never gets eroded and it comes back to us again and again. Today the Lord wants to come to you to top up your heart with His peace no matter how bitter and painful your situation is and gives you the reassurance that His peace will help you to face your future with courage and confidence.

Psalms 119:50 – This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me.
Thought for Today

The ceaseless fountain of God’s comfort keeps coming to us in our times of trouble to soak us in His love and peace.

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