Precious Inheritance!

Verse for Today: Sunday, December 26, 2010
Psalms 94:14 – For the Lord will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance.

One of the greatest confidence the people of God have in this world is that they are God’s special people and that He owns them as His special inheritance. The Lord deals with them on the basis of this special ownership and possession. In all His plans His children are the prime focus. It has pleased Him to share His glory with them. He is happy to testify about them to their enemies who try to mistreat them. He has spoken to people like the friends of Job and emperors like Pharaohs of Egypt, Abimelech, Nebuchadnezzar and others for and on behalf of His precious children. He even speaks to Satan and ask him to leave His children alone. God always has something to speak about His children to the outsiders. They are His inheritance which He secured through His act of redemption. It is this relationship which makes us go to Him with holy boldness in prayer for all our needs. But even before we go to Him with our needs, we must realize how big and mighty our God is. He is mighty in intervening in any of our circumstances for our sake. He stops kings from sleeping in order to fulfill His plans for His children as in the case of Mordecai. He has commanded all our enemies that they should not touch His anointed. Touching His precious children is like touching Him. This was why the Lord stopped Saul of Tarsus to ask Him to refrain from touching His children and His church. It is our blessed privilege to know this wonderful God and to be part of His divine plan. It is also important for us to behave like we are God’s inheritance here in this world and make ourselves totally available for Him to use us to bring greater glory to Him.

Dear friend, are you aware of the extent to which you are precious to God? Do you know that God the Father loves you with the same love with which He loves His only begotten Son? This is why we have all the privileges in the presence of the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. We can go to Him with all our needs and ask Him boldly in our prayers to meet our needs. This does not mean that He doesn’t know our needs before we ask Him, because as the God who knows yesterday, today and forever, He knows all our needs and has already prepared everything for us. But as a loving Father, He loves for us to ask Him so that He can give us as answers to our prayers. But we must understand that He has planned far greater things for us than we could ever ask for. We often ask for mundane things, but He wants to give us glorious things. Our asking often falls far short of His plan for us and His immeasurable capacity to give, and this often makes us live in spiritual poverty. His providence is like a vast ocean, and we have every right to go and drink the whole ocean, but we are often satisfied with a handful. He is challenging us to go to Him and dip deep into the ocean of His providence. His resources like love, peace, joy, grace, patience, sleep, contentment and hope are available in immeasurable quantity for us to imbibe and enjoy. But sadly many of us do not go to Him and drink from His vast ocean of glorious blessings. He is asking us to go to Him and drink to our capacity and satisfaction. If we go to Him and allow Him to fill us, we would not lack any thing because He wants us to be shining inheritance for His name sake here on earth until He takes us to Himself where we will be like stars in His presence forever. Let us be rest assured that no matter what our circumstances or problems are, He will not abandon us nor forsake us because we are His precious possession and most invaluable inheritance.

Deuteronomy 32:9 – For the Lord’s portion is His people, Jacob His allotted inheritance.

Thought for Today
As God’s inheritance in this world, we ought to look and act like it.

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