Healthy people do not seek after physicians, but the sick who do not know the extent of their sickness also do not seek help from a doctor. Those who know of their ailments spontaneously seek help. Most of the sick people do not seek help because they do not know that they are sick. Of the six billion and odd people who live on the face of the earth, the vast majority of them are physically sick, but do not know that they are sick. But sadly, a lot of help is available for them to approach health experts. This is true about the spiritually and emotionally sick around us. They do not know that they are spiritually and emotionally sick and so do not approach the Great Physician who is around to help them. He has the Balm of Gilead which is the panacea for all their spiritual and related emotional sickness. He wants to give it to them free of charge, but He will give it to only those who go to Him for help. Only those who admit to Him that they are sick and ask for help will be given the medicine that He has with Him. The Balm of Gilead is free of charge for all who seek help, but it cost the Great Physician His very life. He allowed Himself to be crucified so that through His broken body and shed blood, all the spiritually sick persons will get healing. But the people who pretend to be spiritually healthy will not get this Balm and subsequently remain sick all their life and all through eternity. There is an acceptable time to avail the Balm and there is an opportunity today for them to approach Him before He shuts the door to grace. He also gives medicines to various spiritual sicknesses like backsliding, lack of faith, fleshly thoughts, detours, lack of sanctification and holiness, loss of first love, unclean tongue, lack of spiritual appetite, poor prayer life and poor or no desire for Heavenly Bread.
Dear reader, are you experiencing any sickness in your soul? Do you feel cold hearted in spiritual matters? Are you sick in your emotional realm? Some of your emotional ailments lead you to become physically sick as well. If you are willing to admit that you are emotionally and spiritually sick and need a physician, the Great Physician is near you with help and cure. His name is Jesus and He has panacea for all your sicknesses. It is more most important that you get treated for your spiritual sickness. Once the spiritual ailments are not cured, it will normally lead to emotional sickness and a great deal of your physical ailments also. But healing requires you to admit your helpless estate and total depravity. Only Jesus can heal your spiritual sickness. He will apply the Balm of Gilead in your heart and emotions. His Word is a great healer of spiritual and emotional sicknesses of various kinds. But it is given only to those who are willing to accept the fact that they are sick and need a doctor. There are those who pretend to be healthy when they are only covering up their ailments. There are those who go to the doctor and get medicine, but will not take it because they do not enjoy its taste and find it hard to follow its discipline in their lives. But if there is consciousness about the need to become whole, we need to go to the Great Physician and get His treatment. His medicines are perfectly effective if we take it as per instructions given in His Word. We do not need to pay any price because the Physician pays for it with His life. But we must take His instructions seriously and follow His treatment pattern so that we can become well. Once we are on the way to cure, we will have better spiritual appetite, inner eye sight, digestion of the heavenly food, good breathing of faith and prayer and we will improve our overall spiritual health. Sure enough, we will also progress in better emotional and physical health as well. But if we reject the Great Physician, our spiritual and emotional health will deteriorate and we will go into spiritual coma. No thoughtful person will ever want to reject the free offer of the Great Physician and become healthier and stronger for a satisfying walk with the Lord.
The eyesight provided by the Great Physician will enable us to see our spiritual and emotional weaknesses and approach Him for healing.
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