It is not difficult to understand that a shield will help one to escape defeat. Any one who is willing to use the shield of God is considered to have already been declared victorious because the enemy’s darts will never penetrate the shield. This shield is God Himself. If we allow ourselves to be covered with the power of God, we can be absolutely sure about safety, security and sustenance. As we hide behind God who is our impenetrable shield and allow His awesome and mighty hands to hold us, we would not have any room for fear, anxiety and apprehensions in life. When we face the enemy of our soul with his agents, we would be confident because of the great protection through God’s shield. But we will enjoy the cover of the divine shield only when we are willing to wear the shield by faith. We are behind this shield positionally, but we must use it practically to make it a reality in the various avenues of our everyday life. It means that we confess that we do not have the capacity to weather away the darts of the enemy. We must confess that we are weak and helpless without His shield. If we confide in our own smartness to escape the enemy, we would find failure and loss. Only when we accept our emptiness before the Lord and ask Him to come to our rescue will His shield becomes a reality in our lives. All our competencies must be broken into pieces, declared powerless and absolutely ineffective. All our skills must be crucified and declared dead and buried when we seek God to become our shield. Our Lord stooped down to make us worthy to wear His shield. We cannot wear His shield as long as we are proud and unwilling to admit our spiritual poverty. He helps us only when we stoop down, confess our inadequacies and uselessness. When we crucify ourselves with Christ, our weapons of self also get crucified and declared null and void.
Dear reader, are you confronted by the enemy with his darts of doubt, unbelief, confusion and self-sufficiency as you walk along the pathways of life? When you doubt your Lord, you become increasingly cold hearted in your relationship with Him. These darts are the enemy’s strategy to keep you from total dependence on the Lord in the challenging situations of life. Today the Lord is near you to reveal His armor of the shield of faith to you and encourage you to put it on. He wants you to take full cover in His hands for total sustenance. He is challenging you to see how He stooped down to give you greater privileges in life because He loves you. Positionally you are covered by Him and are in His hands. But practically you must make it a reality by putting all your trust in Him. It demands that you recognize yourself weak and helpless. You must admit that weapons of your flesh are totally ineffective and useless. These weapons of the world will give you a false sense of safety and courage, but will surely lead you to defeat. Your Lord wants you to go to Him to admit your helpless estate and declare yourself defeated in all that you are and have and surrender it all to Him. He will then put the divine shield on you and keep you under His shadows. As long as you depend totally on the Lord, you will be able to enjoy the safety of His shield. You will experience the power of His hands only so long as you take refuge in Him. Today it is your blessed privilege to see the Savior who has stooped down to make you victorious. He is near you and wants to help you to march from victory to victory. Those who have depended on Him have never been ashamed or forsaken. Their hearts will be kept safe from the darts of doubts, confusions and unbelief and they will be sustained in fearless walk with Him.
Psalms 18:2 – The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Thought for TodayGod comes down to make me great and takes me to greater heights of trust and faith in Him.
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