Raven’s school!

Verse for Today: Thursday, November 14, 2013

Job 38:41 – Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food?

It is unfathomable to realize the extent of care God takes for His creation. We might think that a raven and its young are not important. But God takes care of the needs of even the raven. This truth stands out to be fascinating in that if God takes such great care for the ravens, how much would He take care of us! If the cries of the young ravens reach the ears of God, how much more would our cries reach out to His ears! If He answers the ravens, how much would He answer our heart-cries! If He knows all the ravens so intimately to understand and interpret their cries and needs, how much does He know each of His children to know their cries, groaning and gasps! Today the ravens are a great reprimand to us to cry unto our God for our needs to be met. If we are reluctant to cry unto Him, it might be because we have lost our intimacy with Him. Isaac, Rachel and Hannah cried unto the Lord in prayer for blessings in their family life and got their needs met. When Israelites cried for water, they got rivers of water from the most unlikely place of a rock. When they cried for meat, their camp was flooded with birds. When Nehemiah cried out to the Lord, the walls of Jerusalem became a reality within the record time of a mere fifty-two days. When Elijah prayed and challenged the evil forces of this world, God sent fire from heaven to burn the altar. There were answers to prayer for David when he was rejected, persecuted and ridiculed by his enemies. Today our God awaits us to pray and ask so that He can give to meet our needs according to His dignity, capacity, power and the richness of His resources center. He gives according to His measure and schedule to meet genuine needs at the most appropriate time.

Hello dear friend, are you exasperated as you wait for answers to your prayers? Are there times when you get frustrated and think whether God hears your heart-cry? The God of Job is alive and because He lives, we can face our uncertain future with confidence and courage. God had to teach these precious lessons through the experiences that He allowed in Job’s life. God asked Job if the ravens could trust Him, what prevented His servant from trusting Him in his hopeless situation. God taught Job that He was sufficient to meet the needs of all His creation. God has resources to meet all needs of His creation and He has established it in the right measure for different times and occasions. If Job had to be taught these mundane lessons, how much more do we all need to learn it from God! God allowed bitter experiences in Job’s life to make him teachable, and He allows us to pass through tough experiences for us to learn about His benevolent provisions for us! God reassures us today through the experiences of Job that He will never forsake us nor leave us empty handed. He knows our needs long before we feel the need and start to pray. He knows us deeply and feels our emotions. He enhances our capacity to wait for answers through faith. Today the God of ravens and Job is with us. The God of our tomorrows is holding our hands with His answers in His hands. We are in His School of Patience to learn to cry unto Him and wait patiently for His time to come.

Psalms 147:9 – He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.   

Thought for Today
Our faith is challenged by God by the way He feeds ravens and young lions.

Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Build up my faith to trust You to hear my cry and meet my needs so that I can leave my petitions with You and find that it is settled. Amen! 

Write for prayer support and counseling without cost or obligation to todayintheword@gmail.com

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