Receive to surrender!
Verse for Today: Thursday, December 06, 2012
1 Chronicles 29:14 – Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.

God wants His children to possess only what He gives them out of His grace and benevolence. He gives them enough to meet all their needs. He wants His children to recognize Him as the sole giver and that they should acknowledge it all to His mercy to them. So it is the responsibility of all God’s children to depend on Him only for all that they need. They should also only desire to possess all that He gives them and grants in their lives. David had such a conviction and he was humble enough to acknowledge all that he had to God and His compassion to him. Such a spirit of humility is essential when we go to the presence of God. If we receive something from God, it is still His and it should be used for His glory. All God’s children with all that they have come from God. This realization prompts them to confess it all in His presence. Those who were involved when David gave his best to the Lord included people from the king to the poorest individual among the Israelites. Each one gave to the building of God’s Temple according to the measure with which he or she received from God and as prompted by their grateful hearts. But they first gave themselves to God and all that they possessed followed suit. They enjoyed God’s grace in receiving from God and giving back to God. Today we have the privilege to be His people and live only because He gives us life and all that we need. So we should live for Him and give all that we have back to God in true worship. Our treasures, talents and time become His to use because all of it is received from Him any way. Thus in the truest sense, we become God’s and He become ours. God calls us to live such a life of contentment, gratitude, surrender and worship.

Dear friend, are you satisfied with the life that God has given you in its fullness and richness? Are all your resources divinely supplied or are they earned by your own merit and smartness? Are you and all that you have the gifts that you have received from God? Does God possess you with all that you have because He has given it all to you to live for His cause? When God gives, He gives according to His measure and on the basis of His status and dignity. He gives sufficiently and makes your cup overflowing with His goodness so that you can use it to live for His glory. Such a life is most satisfying. It is not in the quantity or size of what God gives that matters, but whether it meets your need or not. If it meets a need, it should give you full satisfaction because when God gives it to you it meets your needs. Thus you will be able to acknowledge it all to His grace and praise Him for it. There will be no room for murmuring, complaining or dissatisfaction in such a life. There will be no reason for comparison with what others got. What God gives is not to make us proud but humble like King David and the Israelites. Such humility leads us to live in continuous consecration and surrender to do His will. Today we are reminded by the attitude of King David to acknowledge God as the sole giver of all that we have and live to acknowledge it all to His grace and live in utter humility. God will be pleased with such a life of total surrender and brokenness which will be a life of faith that expects all our needs to come to us from God at the right time.

Romans 11:36 – For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory for ever! Amen.

Thought for Today
Meditating on God’s gifts will overwhelm our hearts with gratitude and challenge us to give it all back to Him in true worship.

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