Reception for the Rejected!

Verse for Today: Monday, August 29, 2011

Psalms 68:5 – A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.

Among the scores of deprived people in this world are the fatherless and the widows who have no one to take care of them. There are people whose fathers deceased, and others whose fathers abandoned them. There are widows and then there are women who are rejected and abandoned by their husbands. As sad as these rejections are, the innocent victims suffer untold miseries in life. Many do not have any one to provide for their physical needs and to give direction, love and tender care which they so desperately desire and deserve. This is part of the unrighteousness that prevails in this world. There is no one to give justice to such victims who suffer. Humanly these victims have a hopeless case to pursue, but they are all welcomed by the Father who is in Heaven. He invites them to His presence so that they can experience the true love of a father and a lover. There the Father in Heaven fills their hearts with His love and care and pours His compassion into their hearts which will make them forget the loss of fatherly love in their lives. They can experience the tender love and care that a true lover of their souls will provide for them. He fills their hearts with His agape` love which is far greater than any human love. He gives them a sense of belongingness in His family and provides acceptance and recognition among His other children. He makes them feel wanted and welcomed again. The Heavenly Father’s love makes them forget the loss in their lives and help them find comfort and joy in their lives. He remembers them just as He remembered Noah in the ark, Rachel, Hanna, and even the disobedient Jonah in the belly of the fish. He will give them what they miss just as King David remembered the lame Mephibosheth.

It is likely that someone reading these lines is an orphan, widow or an abandoned person by parents, life mates, siblings or other kith and kin. Some of you are probably rejected by the household of faith. If you lift up your heads and look, you will see your Savior who was rejected by all the people around. His brothers didn’t believe in Him. His disciples ran away from Him and the people who ate the bread He broke shouting for His crucifixion. They would rather have a murderer than the Prince of Peace. The religious and political leadership wanted to get rid of Him. Perhaps you can visit the dungeon where Joseph is locked up after he was rejected and sold by his brothers and wrongly imprisoned by his boss. You can see Daniel alive and well in a lion’s den after being rejected by a nation. The Lord remembered the dejected Rachel and Hannah and gave them the desires of their heart. He will remember us even if the whole world rejects or forgets us or become ungrateful. All the love of human beings will end with the tomb, but the love of the Father will never cease or be diluted. He might spank us if we are disobedient, but His love will never depart from us and it will transcend into eternity. He is the lover of our souls who gave His only begotten Son to get us to Himself. His compassion never diminishes and He will fill the vacuum in our lives if we are rejected by our dear ones. So dear friend, do not be disturbed when you are rejected by those around you. It is best to go to the Father who will receive you with open arms. He will fill your heart with Himself so that your grief at the rejection by your dear ones will vanish. It is available to you as you go to His presence and sit there with Him. Today He wants to comfort and encourage you to keep trusting Him so that you can move with Him in the lonely paths of life. He wants you to know how much He loves you which He will tell you as you spend time with Him in His presence.

Psalms 146:9 – The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but He frustrates the ways of the wicked.

Thought for Today

Earthly kith and kin are for a limited period, but the Heavenly Father is forever.

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